Rupert Spira on Consciousness, Part 3 of 3

“That which is, never ceases to be. That which is not, never comes into Being.” ~ Parmenides

Our three part series with Rupert Spira on Sat Chit Ananda or “truth, consciousness, and bliss” concludes with Part 3. Explore how Consciousness is all that is every really known; and… Consciousness not only creates whatever it imagines. It also has a veiling power...sometimes called ignorance.

Rupert Spira on Consciousness, Part 2 of 3

…the existence of two things, in fact implies the existence of an infinity of things, each with their own independent reality. In other words, an infinity of things, implies an infinity of realities. ~Rupert Spira

Our three part series with Rupert Spira on Sat Chit Ananda or “truth, consciousness, and bliss” continues with Part 2. Rupert begins by exploring the experience of consciousness in the present moment.

Finding Deeper Happiness

“…although the the techniques, the focus strategies, that are used around the world are quite different, they all build a combination of fundamental attention skills.”  ~ Shinzen Young

In the short video Finding Deeper Happiness, Shinzen Young explores: Are there similar techniques and approaches across spiritual traditions that lead to the same destination? This post previews his answer.
