Spontaneous Glimpses & Leaking Samadhi, Part 3

”you need to have concentration, clarity and equanimity … you are trying to detect something very subtle, the presence of the eternal observer, the still point of the turning world.” ~ Shinzen Young

This post previews Part 3 of the short video-clip series with Shinzen Young. Shinzen goes into detail about mindfulness practice, particularly focusing on concentration, clarity, and equanimity … and also covers self inquiry in the context of mindfulness practice.

Richard Rohr: Becoming Stillness

The spirit drove Jesus into the wilderness
there he met the wild beast.
Angels ministered to him.  ~ St. Mark

In this preview of an inspiring talk given at Norwich Cathedral, Fr. Richard Rohr outlines his vision of a non-dual Christianity, which disappeared from the west 400 years ago. In his travels and work Fr. Rohr sees a great yearning inside and outside of the church for a different way of knowing God …

Spontaneous Glimpses & Leaking Samadhi Part 1

If you have the concentration, clarity and equanimity skills, you can untangle and unblock that re-arising of the mind body experience…

Shinzen Young talks about the somewhat commonly reported spontaneous but fleeting experience of glimpsing our true nature… … awakening to the boundless, timeless, spaceless freedom. Enjoy this short preview from an upcoming film on mindfulness and more, featuring Shinzen – a world renowned mindfulness teacher.
