Consciousness & Awareness: Almaas & Spira

Awareness can be experienced in two ways, awareness of being-ness (pure self) and awareness of nonbeing-ness (selfless awareness). Both are awareness, but it seems that awareness has two faces. ~ Hameed Ali

We are pleased to offer this fascinating and challenging conversation, recorded at the 2013 Science and Non-Duality (SAND) Conference, between Hameed Ali (A.H. Almaas) and Rupert Spira focusing on the nature of awareness and perception. Enjoy this overview and watch the video.

Henry Shukman: The Moment that Still IS

I was given this greatest opportunity of all opportunities – to be a human being. ~ Henry Shukman

Henry Shukman shares his direct experience … of nothing but pure awareness … where there is no seer … of dying without dying … the moment that still ISwhich opened him to the amazing gift of truly being a human being. 

Robert Rabbin: Techniques

We must become servants of meditation, so meditation will become our Master.”  ~ Robert Rabbin

Contemporary mystic Robert Rabbin speaks with intimate authority about the fundamental nature of being, reality, essence. Techniques is a poem from Robert’s book, The Explosive Silence of Meditation, a collection of sutras reflecting deep reality: the place of Being itself. 

Joan Tollifson: Consciousness, Awareness & Attention, Part 2 of 2

Everyone sees a completely unique movie of waking life. When we try to meet each other on the level of forms and appearances, the results are often unsatisfying. But as awareness, we are one whole undivided being.  ~ Joan Tollifson

Are consciousness, awareness and attention the same thing? Joan Tollifson continues her examination of these familiar yet enigmatic “concepts.”
