Henry Shukman: Zen and the Art… Part 4 of 4

..the secret truth is that art is useless… Its “purpose” is to delight with its purposelessness, to demonstrate that in our lives of “getting and spending” there must be one thing without utilitarian value. ~ Henry Shukman

We are pleased to offer the concluding installment of this 4-part series, Zen and The Art, authored by Zen teacher and poet Henry Shukman.

Philip Renard: Five Hallmarks of Non-Dualism, Part 2 of 2

This is a training in not meditating, a training in naturalness, in letting be.” Tulku Urgyen

Stillness Speaks is pleased to offer the fifth chapter, Five Hallmarks of Universal Non-dualism, from  Philip Renard’s book Non-Dualism: Eastern Enlightenment in the World of Western Enlightenment which provides an in-depth exploration of non-duality.  In Part 1, Renard explored the first two hallmarks of nondualism:  Awareness and No-mind. In this post, Renard covers the remaining three.

Henry Shukman: Zen and the Art… Part 3 of 4

Perhaps there is a parallel between the artist wrestling with his medium, bending it to the shape he seeks, and a dharma practitioner wrestling with the equally intractable medium of the “self,” which she strives to see for what it is.

We are pleased to offer part 3 of this 4-part series, Zen and The Art, authored by Zen teacher and poet Henry Shukman.

Philip Renard: Five Hallmarks of Non-Dualism, Part 1 of 2

All form existing in the world exists in consciousness. All degrees of good and evil, all experience of freedom and lack of it exist entirely in consciousness. ~ Philip Renard

Stillness Speaks is pleased to offer the fifth chapter, Five Hallmarks of Universal Non-dualism, from  Philip Renard’s book Non-Dualism: Eastern Enlightenment in the World of Western Enlightenment which provides an in-depth exploration of non-duality.
