Philip Renard: Non-Dualism, Part 2 of 2

Radical non-dualism non-separation is the basic-premise of existence, the inherent element of it – hence the expression ‘the natural state’. ~ Philip Renard

Stillness Speaks is delighted to offer the first chapter, What is Non-dualism? from Philip Renard’s book Non-Dualism: Eastern Enlightenment in the World of Western Enlightenment which provides an in-depth exploration of non-duality. In Part 2, Philip Renard continues his penetrating discussion.

Henry Shukman: Zen and the Art… Part 1 of 4

“There seemed to be a natural congruence between writing and the practice of zazen. And practice was demonstrably helpful: through daily zazen I worried less, focused more, had better ideas and produced more.” ~ Henry Shukman

We are pleased to offer this 4-part series, Zen and The Art, authored by Zen teacher and poet Henry Shukman, originally published as Zen and the Art, in the Spring 2012 Issue of Tricycle Magazine and also published on the Mountain Cloud Zen Center website.

Munajat: Sama by Pir Elias Amidon

Munajat: “… a “whispered prayer” … is On its way to endlessness it has no need for hurry.  ~ Pir Elias Amidon

Munajat is a book of forty prayers, by Pir Elias Amidon. These prayers “… were originally inspired by the Munajat — “whispered prayers.” Enjoy Sama, another of Elias’ intimate conversations with God!

Pir Elias: The Mysticism of Music

“If we listen closely to the coming-into-and-passing-out-of-being of each sound we can recognize that here is the very creation and renewal of the cosmos.” ~ Pir Elias

Pir Elias Amidon explores the mystery of music, What happens when music touches us?  What is it that enchants us in the mingling of sounds? What is happening that moves us so? Amidon’s aim is to suggest another way of experiencing what is behind the questions.
