Joan Tollifson: Exploring The Simplicity of What Is, a 7-part series

“Liberation is the aliveness and immediacy beyond belief. Liberation is when all the answers, explanations and positions disappear, and what remains is the open mind of not knowing.” ~Joan Tollifson

In this seven part essay, The Simplicity of What Is, Joan explores “the imaginary problems that we think are binding us from waking up to the aliveness of this moment, just as it is …”  …

Deepak Chopra: The Human Universe

“That’s the current state of our cosmology, nothingness. Is that nothing just an empty void? Or could it be the womb of creation? Rumi said, ‘we come spinning out of nothingness, scattering stars like dust.’ Spinning out of nothingness–that could be you.”

Deepak Chopra discusses the seven universes that human beings have devised to explain existence, leading to the conclusion that the cosmos has evolved to reflect human evolution. This is not a philosophical observation but a “must be so” when it comes to such baffling dilemmas as the origin of life and the appearance of consciousness.
