Joan Tollifson: The Simplicity of What Is (Part 4 of 7)

” …enlightenment is the end of the one who cares about being enlightened or unenlightened..” -Joan Tollifson

Whenever there is confusion and seeking, it’s a clue that thought is busy chasing its own tail. Actuality is simple.  Continue Joan Tollifson’s compelling exploration of the Simplicity of What Is in Part 4 of this seven part series.

Emptiness by Greg Goode (Part 9 of 10)

“Experiencing self, other and world as empty is to joyfully experience one’s place in a light, free, open-ended, interpenetrating webwork of relations and dependencies. Lightness and joy come from no longer feeling as though reality has or needs a foundation “ ~ Greg Goode

In Part 9 of this series, Greg continues his overview of emptiness with The Pivotal Step, becoming completely “clear about our conception of inherent existence,” and exploration of The Experience of Emptiness.

Joan Tollifson: The Simplicity of What Is (Part 3 of 7)

“Notice that everything is constantly changing, and yet, it all happens in this ever-present Here and Now. This timeless immediacy can’t be pinned down, nor can it be avoided.” -Joan Tollifson

Continue Joan Tollifson’s compelling exploration of the Here and Now in Part 3 of this seven part series The Simplicity of What Is.

Emptiness by Greg Goode (Part 8 of 10)

“According to the Buddhist path, one trains to stabilize the attention, abandon harmful actions, take up helpful actions, generate patience and compassion, and meditate on the nature of self and other.” ~ Greg Goode

In Part 8, Greg continues his overview of emptiness with  How to Realize Emptiness.
