Journey with Robert Thurman in Bhutan

Journey With Robert Thurman in Bhutan: Buddhist Teachings and Meditations in the Land of the Thunder Dragon takes you on an inner and outer journey into the heart of the last remaining Buddhist kingdom as it transitions into the world’s newest democracy. Explore...

Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi: Rare video

Tuesday, September 1, 1946 “The ashram of Saint Ramana of Arunachala drew crowds of devotees on September the 1st to mark the completion of 50 years since Ramana first set foot on the sacred soil of this historic mountain shrine. From far and near they flocked...

David Godman: Robert Adams and Ramana Maharshi

“This is part of a series of talks I gave in my old house in Tiruvannamalai to a Russian film crew. I think they took place in 2003. In this segment I retell the story of Robert Adams’ early experiences of Ramana Maharshi, and how he eventually came to...

Adyashanti: What Is Enlightenment?

Many people think that enlightenment is an altered state of consciousness. Actually, what we perceive every day through the distorted lens of ego is the truly altered state — we see things that don’t exist, we believe things that aren’t happening,...