Explore by Tradition

Passion For God? The Rumi Collection: Harvey & Helminski

silence ramana

“… The radiance of consciousness-bliss, in the form of one awareness shining equally within and without, is the supreme and blissful primal reality. Its form is silence …” ~ Ramana Maharshi

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Unveiling The Rumi Collection: Why Give Thanks? Kabir Helminski

rumi collection rose opened helminski

“… In Rumi, the full rose of the human divine opened … He gave a sign to us all forever of what is possible in a life surrendered wholly to the light …” ~ Eva de Vitray-Meyerovitch

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What Is Yin Mountain Daoist Immortal Poetry? Levitt & Rebecca Nie

valley spirit yin mountain levitt nie

The Valley Spirit never dies. It is called the Mysterious Female. The gateway of this Mysterious Female is the source of heaven and earth. ~ Dao De Jing

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Talking vs Gift Of Silence? Kahlil Gibran The Prophet & Ramana Maharshi

talking vs silence rumi south sister broken top

“… A walnut kernel shaken against its shell makes a delicate sound, but the walnut taste and the sweet oil inside makes unstruck music. Mystics call the shell rattling talk; the other, the taste of silence …” ~ Rumi

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Awe & Wonder …

awe heschel

“… Awe is a sense of transcendence, for the reference everywhere to mystery … It enables us … to feel in the rush of the passing the stillness of the eternal …”  ~ Abraham Heschel

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Tao Te Ching: What is Hidden Yet Shines In Every Corner? Jonathan Star

tao lao tzu star Tree and sun on lake sunrise

“… So deep, so pure, so still …” ~ Lao Tzu

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Kabir: Why Catch The Supreme Moment? Andrew Harvey Engoldenment

supreme moment sunrise kabir harvey

“…  the one moment that changes everything. That lasts forever. When He shows His face and you see your own … ” ~ Kabir

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Quietism: Laotzu’s The Way Of Life: Verse 16 via Witter Bynner

quietism laotzu bynner

“… Become totally empty Quiet the restlessness of the mind …” ~ Laotzu (verse 16 excerpt from Jonathan Star’s translation)

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Living Solidarity & Justice: 365 Life Prayers by Roberts, Amidon

solidarity natures beauty roberts amidon

“… prayers of solidarity & justice … sing of a life free and simple … at one with nature’s beauty …”  ~ Catholic Bishops of Appalachia

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Awaken Deep Peace For All: 365 Earth Prayers Poems Amidon Roberts

deep peace waves rogers amidon roberts

“… EACH of us is blessed with moments of grace, moments when our soul becomes clear and quiet …” ~ William Stafford

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Living Moments of Grace? Life Prayers Amidon, Roberts

moments of grace clear and quiet stafford roberts amidon

“… EACH of us is blessed with moments of grace, moments when our soul becomes clear and quiet …” ~ William Stafford

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Why This Moment, Silence Matters? Ocean of Silence Doyle Poems

sunset monument valley doyle

“… the sun rises in silence and sets back into silence but Silence does not arise or set; it ever is  …” ~ Billy Doyle

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How To Remember We Are One: Unity Prayers for a Thousand Years

remember we are one ocean fazal

“… We rise from one ocean …” ~ Anwar Fazal

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Tao Te Ching: What is Nameless Yet Origin of All Things? Jonathan Star

Lacerta’s Star The Tao Te Ching

“… Tao is both Named and Nameless. As Nameless, it is the origin of all things. As Named, it is the mother of all things ~ Lao Tzu

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Lasting Discovery of Truth? Ocean of Silence, Doyle, Gangaji

ocean of silence dawn awareness doyle

“… we are awareness itself, beyond the personal  …” ~ Billy Doyle

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Lover & Love a la Rumi – Kabir Helminski

lover ocean sunrise rumi helminski

“… God is pleased when your love realizes it is part of something oceanic and begins to move with the whole …” ~ Rumi

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Wonder, Wordsworth … via Klein

“The first act of awe, when man was struck with the beauty or wonder of Nature, was the first spiritual experience.” ~  Henryk Skolimowski

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Listen: An Invitation To Peace & Unity … via Prayers

listen to god dawn beach mcdaniel

“… May we listen to God in quietness and awe …” ~ Jay McDaniel

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It Is I … Yunus Emre

it is i emre grand canyon

“… I am the infinite, the eternal … I am the gardener who sculpts the land … It is not Yunus saying all this. The One is speaking with my lips …” ~ Yunus Emre

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Tao Is … via Thomas Merton

tao is everywhere merton

“… There is nowhere it {Tao} is not to be found …”  ~ Thomas Merton

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Circles & God’s Classroom – Hafiz by Ladinsky

circles sunset god yes luminous movement hafiz

“God has shouted ‘Yes! Yes! Yes!’ To every luminous movement in Existence.”  ~ Hafiz

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A Tendency to Shine – Adyashanti

tendency to shine radiant awareness sunrise adyashanti

“… discover the radiant light of awareness peering through your own eyes in this very moment …” ~ Adyashanti

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Inner Guru: Kabir via Andrew Harvey

inner guru lake marano presence within kabir harvey

“…  my friends, follow Supreme Being who lives within you and is the soul of everyone and everything  … Experience this Presence! … ” ~ Kabir

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Silence Poems …

silence finley

There is nothing as certain as silence, stillness, and solitude to introduce you to the divinity within …”  ~ Guy Finley

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Self-Knowledge: Kahlil Gibran

self knowledge sunset mountains awareness silence ramana gibran

“… The radiance of consciousness-bliss, in the form of one awareness shining equally within and without … Its form is silence …”  ~ Ramana Maharshi

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Soul Centered Living: Jonathan Ellerby

soul centered ellerby sunset lake

“… Somewhere, somehow, we were touched by something Truly Sacred …” ~ Jonathan Ellerby

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Kindness & Trust: Amidon & Beach

sunrise stillness presence kindness trust beach amidon

“So many gods, so many creeds, so many paths … while just the act of being kind is all the world needs.” ~ Ella Wheeler Wilcox … “… Stillness is the teacher. Presence is the lesson. Trust in the process that brought you here and the promise of awakening it holds …” ~ Zach Beach

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Within Your Home: Kabir via Andrew Harvey

within your home dolomites kabir harvey

“… Within your home is the way … Turn your mind within and realize Universal Mind …” ~ Kabir

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Tao: Even More Glimpses … via Jonathan Star

mt fuji sunrise tao still mind lao tzu star

Tao: “… a still mind can easily hold the truth. The difficulties yet to come can easily be avoided …” ~ Lao Tzu

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Sharing Silence … & Thanksgiving – Gunilla Norris

sunset sharing silence meister eckhart norris

“Nothing in all creation is so like God as silence.” ~ Meister Eckhart

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Refuge Prayer: Compassion & Kindness – Thay

refuge prayer buddha at bodhi tree thich nhat hanh

“… the living source of understanding and compassion, to the Buddha I go for refuge …” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh

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The Eternal Song: Aware Presence – Adyashanti

cotopaxi dawn eternal song adyashanti

“… I Am the stillness within movement and the movement within stillness …” ~ Adyashanti

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Beloved Everywhere – Hafiz by Ladinsky

beloved everywhere beautiful architecture hafiz ladinsky

“… the more deeply {Hafiz} sees, the more astonished he is to find his Beloved everywhere. He discovers that the essence of life is the expression of beauty—it is Poetry …” ~ Daniel Ladinsky

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Silence: The Gifts Therein … Thomas Merton

silence merton

“… God is present, and His thought is alive and awake in the fullness and depth and breadth of all the silences of the world … (Jeremias 1:11)” ~ Thomas Merton

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The Way: Sufi Tao – Elias Amidon

the way this moment amidon seascape

“The way we follow … flows everywhere without moving, never straying from this moment.” ~ Elias Amidon

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Being Oneself: The Sanctuary Within – Rumi

being oneself sanctuary rumi

Being Oneself: “… Remember, the entrance door to the sanctuary is inside you …” ~ Rumi

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Root Of The Root Of Your Own Soul

sunset maldives root of your own soul rumi

“… You were born from the rays of God’s Majesty … return to the root of the root of your own soul …” ~ Rumi

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Savasana & Stillness – Barb Larson Taylor

stillness peace taylor

“… nothing in all creation is so like God as stillness …” ~ Meister Eckhart

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Peace Offering – Thich Nhat Hanh & Black Elk

peace offering thich nhat hanh black elk

“… From oneness We derive peace. From peace We derive oneness …” ~ Sri Chinmoy

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Eternal Now: The Radiant Emptiness – Adyashanti

sunset eternal now adyashanti

Eternal now: “… totally still but in endless motion …” ~ Adyashanti

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Our Being, I AM Meditation …& Self: Spira & Papaji

our being objectless aware presence spira

“… Our Being is the objectless, aware presence that lies behind and, at the same time, intimately pervades all experience …” ~ Rupert Spira

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Empty Boat – Chuang Tzu & Thomas Merton

empty boat sunset batam island chuang tzu merton

empty boat: “… This is perfect Tao. Wise men find here their resting place. Resting, they are empty …”  ~ Chuang Tzu

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The Tao: Another Glimpse … via Jonathan Star

the tao silence dolomites lao tzu star

The Tao: “… When there is silence one finds peace. When there is silence one finds the anchor of the universe within himself …” ~ Lao Tzu

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Walking Meditation – Thich Nhat Hanh

walking meditation flowers thich nhat hanh

Walking Meditation: “… Walk and touch peace every moment. Walk and touch happiness every moment. Each step brings a fresh breeze. Each step makes a flower bloom under our feet ..” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh

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His Face Is Everywhere – Upanishad, Andrew Harvey

his face is everywhere waterfall harvey

His face is everywhere: “… Lord of Love … who projects himself into this universe of myriad forms …” ~ Shvetashvatara Upanishad

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This … is Not Mind or Buddha … This We Have Now

This sunset shukman

“… We already are it. It is every moment, just as it is …” ~ Henry Shukman

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In Silence: Songs of Contemplation – Thomas Merton

in silence merton

“… At the deepest level, Merton experienced the mystic’s profound understanding that silence is a language of its own with as much influence and power as words …” ~ Lynn R. Szabo

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Praise This Day … by Adyashanti

sunrise praise this day adyashanti

Don’t forget that you are the clear light of awareness ~ Adyashanti

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Tao Te Ching: A Glimpse … via Jonathan Star

tao te ching sit quietly tzu sunrise matterhorn

“… {Man}He was made to sit quietly and find the truth within …” ~ Lao Tzu

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This Moment – Thich Nhat Hanh

this moment wonders hummingbird thich nhat hanh

“… This is the only moment that is real. To be present and enjoy this moment is our most important task …” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh

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Being Me to Being We & Whyless Love

your all meister eckhart

“… You remind me that my nothing is Your all …” ~ Meister Eckhart

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Another Prayer … for Peace – Thich Nhat Hanh

peace prayer thich nhat hanh

“… With your deep understanding, help our hearts grow light … May the merit of this prayer be transformed into peace …” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh

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Peace Prayer … & Mother Water by Amidon

shine light darkness bahai

“… Be a lamp unto those who walk in darkness …” ~ Baha’i peace prayer

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Community … and Keep Going …


The essence of the beautiful is unity in variety ~ Felix Mendelssohn

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Silence My Secret … by Adyashanti

silence question adyashanti

The question actually leads you into silence ~ Adyashanti

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Thanksgiving: Gratitude Quiet & Peace …

thanksgiving autumn marianites

“… I walk in thanksgiving … for the splendor of autumn and the rocky peaks …” ~ Marianites of Holy Angels

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Mindfulness in Daily Life – Thich Nhat Hanh

mindful breath thich nhat hanh

“… A mindful breath is your home base …”   ~ Thich Nhat Hanh

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Symeon the New Theologian: Turning of The Soul …

“… Now am I joined soul and spirit present in your Presence … your Presence all at once revealing your Paradise …” ~ ~ Symeon the New Theologian

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Tantric Tradition, Andrew Harvey, & Kabir

tantric formless father god form mother kabir

“… The formless Absolute is my Father, and God with form is my Mother …” ~ Kabir

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Meister Eckhart’s “Wanderings & Wonderings”

one eye meister eckhart

“… the eye with which I see God is exactly the same eye with which God sees me. My eye and God’s eye are one eye, one seeing, one knowledge, and one love …” ~ Meister Eckhart

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Meet Me Here Where Silence Roars … by Adyashanti

sunset silence roars meet me here adyashanti

“… Meet me here where silence roars where stillness is dancing …” ~ Adyashanti

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My Beloved … by J Krishnamurti

dawn my beloved j krishnamurti

“… In the great silence before the dawn …  There thou wilt meet with my Beloved. …” ~ Jiddu Krishnamurti

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Love Religion: Sufism, Rumi & Ibn Arabi

sunrise love religion star

“… There is a place where words are born of silence, A place where the whispers of the heart arise …” ~ Jonathan Star

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Choosing What Is: Liberation From All Obstructions

hummingbird choosing what is bays

“… In this passing moment karma ripens and all things come to be. I vow to choose what is …” ~ Hogen Bays

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The Nine Prayers – Thich Nhat Hanh

spirituality every moment thich nhat hanh

“… This kind of prayer is also contemplation, meditation, and practice. It generates spirituality in every moment of our daily life …” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh

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Poems of Fulfillment by Lao Tzu

sunset lake serenity tzu

“… Returning to the source is serenity …” ~ Lao Tzu

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Who Are You? – The Eternal Song … by Adyashanti

be still awaken adyashanti

“… Be still and awaken to the realization of who you Are …” ~ Adyashanti

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Peaceful Living: Prayers for Peace

prayer for peace tranquil sea sunrise

“… let us fill our hearts with our own compassion – towards ourselves and towards all living beings … realize that they are all brothers and sisters, all nourished from the same source of life …” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh

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The Taste of Silence … by Rumi … & Jung

silence rumi coleman barks

“… Rumi says silence brings a chance to taste the core of our being, to go deeper and experience the oil of the walnut rather than its rattling noise on the shell wall …” ~ Coleman Barks

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Continued Gratitude & Usual Wednesday Post Delayed …

god sun bawa muhaiyaddeen

“… Everything you see tells the story of God. Look at it. God is out spread, filling the entire universe. So look. You exist in a form. God is without form. You are the visible example, the sun. God is the light within the sun.” ~ Bawa Muhaiyaddeen

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Seven Advices – Humanity’s Highest Sentiment: Rumi

sunrise compassion sun seven advices rumi

“… In compassion and grace: be like the sun …” ~ Rumi

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Compassion: Dalai Lama & Robert William Service

“… Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive …” ~ His Holiness The Dalai Lama

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The Hidden Treasure Is In Me – Kaygusuz Abdal

space hidden treasure abdal

“… I am the infinite and the eternal. The hidden treasure is in me …” ~ Kaygusuz Abdal

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Breathing: Practice Consciously by Thich Nhat Hanh

sunset breathing aware present moment thich nhat hanh

Practicing conscious breathing, aware of each thought and each act, we are reborn, fully alive, in the present moment … ~ Thich Nhat Hanh

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Joy and Silence – Hafiz by Ladinsky

joy sunset hafiz

“… I am happy even before I have a reason … ~ Hafiz

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Spiritual Practice: Harmony with The Sacred – Ellerby

journey unknown spiritual practice

“… To embrace a spiritual practice is to make the journey into mystery and knowing …” ~ Jonathan Ellerby

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Unfolding Your Own Myth & Ibrahim’s Epiphany – Rumi

phantasy landscape mystical journey rumi

“… Chase a deer and end up everywhere! … It’s all a mystical journey to the Friend …” ~ Rumi

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Your Top Interests of 2019 & More …

What interested you the most in 2019 … and how you accessed and consumed it …

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Earth Blessings …

“… Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature’s peace will flow into you as the sunshine into the trees. The winds will blow their freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves. …” ~ John Muir

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Equanimity, Love, & Walking In Beauty

binsai rick equanimity thich nhat hanh

“… I vow to practice mindful breathing and smiling … to cultivate compassion and loving kindness, and to practice joy and equanimity …” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh

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Peace: A Deepening Through Prayers

stones ocean return thanks francis assisi

“… There is no true peace possible for the man who still imagines that some accident of talent or grace or virtue segregates him from other men and places him above them …” ~ Thomas Merton

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Return Thanks … & Earth, Teach Me …

sunrise return thanks iroquois

“… We return thanks to the sun, that has looked upon the earth with a beneficent eye. …” ~ Iroquois Thanksgiving

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Merton: Inward Stranger Whom I have Never Seen…

matterhorn dawn merton

“… Now dawn commands the capture of the tallest fortune …” ~ Thomas Merton

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Ocean Love: The Larger Love – Rumi

sunset shore ocean love rumi

“God is pleased when your love realizes it is part of something oceanic and begins to move with the whole …” ~ Rumi

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Awake Awhile – Hafiz by Ladinsky

sunrise mt fitzroy waking up hafiz

“… What is this precious love and laughter budding in our hearts? It is the glorious sound of a soul waking up! … ~ Hafiz

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Beloved: You are This – Munajat by Amidon

ocean sunrise now beloved this amidon

“… closer than now where everything happens, you, my beloved, are this … ” ~ Pir Elias Amidon

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Meister Eckhart: Here & Now, Living Love & More

scotland god never sufficiency eckhart

Meister Eckhart’s “… many forms and stages of the love of God, the mystic path found in the most ordinary of moments, and the journey of transformation …” 

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Realize Through Meditation – Highest Mystical Teaching

meditator realize self meditation harvey

“… Realize The Self in the depths of meditation …” ~ Shvetashvatara Upanishad

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The Time Before Death – Kabir (Bly & Tagore)

cobblestone street meditation death deliverance life kabir

“Friend, hope for the Guest while you are alive. Jump into experience while you are alive! …” ~ Kabir

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Laughing … Fresh as the Dawn – Rumi

sunrise laughing dawn rumi

“… You laugh fresh as the dawn where did you spend last night? …” ~ Rumi

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When the Sun Conceived a Man – Hafiz

dramatic sky luminous god hafiz

“… Write a thousand luminous secrets upon the wall of existence so that even a blind man will know where we are, and join us in this Love! … ~ Hafiz

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Seng-Ts’an: The Mind of Absolute Trust

sunset sky god self everywhere seng tsan

“… God [The Self] is a circle whose centre is everywhere and circumference nowhere …” ~ Carl Jung quoting St.Bonaventure

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Peaceful: An Invocation from the Vedas

peaceful canyon sunrise panorama

“… peaceful the earth, peaceful the broad space between …” ~ Atharva Veda

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Asik Veysel: There You Are … Divine is Everywhere

god everywhere veysel sunset

“… The supreme vision of Sufism is to see God everywhere, to view every part of creation as a reflection of God’s glory …” ~ Jonathan Star

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Rumi: This is the Miracle …

dawn colors 1 rumi self

“… If the Sun did not run across the sky the world would not see the colors of morning …” ~ Rumi

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Be Still – Arthur Osborne

sunrise mountains dawn be still osborne

“… Thou art? — I am? — Why argue? — Being is. Keep still and be …” ~ Arthur Osborne

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The Sowing of Meanings : Thomas Merton

merton sky bounds solitude

“… See the high birds! … do they play in wheeling silences. Defining in the perfect sky the bounds of (here below) our solitude …” ~ Thomas Merton

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Munajat: Pretend That You & I are Two : Elias Amidon

dawn gentle amidon

“… Now that the dawn has come so gently … my quiet soul … warms its wings in the morning light … ” ~ Pir Elias Amidon

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Heart Centered Awareness – Hafiz

beauty heart centered awareness hafiz

“… Beauty yearned to see itself; It turned to man to sing its praise… ~ Hafiz

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Prayer – A Mind Centered Practice: Ellerby

sunrise ocean prayer ellerby

“… Honoring the ever-present Divine through regular prayer is a way of living close to the edge of spiritual experience while cultivating the strength of our spiritual senses …” ~ Jonathan Ellerby

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Aksarayi Seyh Ibrahim Efendi: The Sufi Way

fire heart inflamed with beloved sufi way

“… They say it is to burn up in Love’s fire — The Sufi way is to be utterly inflamed with the light of the Beloved …” ~ Aksarayi Şeyh İbrahim Efendi (Dervish of Turkey)

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J Krishnamurti: Song of the Beloved

still pool sky reflection krishnamurti beloved

“… Where the still pools reflect the calm heavens, There thou wilt meet with my Beloved  …” ~ J Krishnamurti

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Adyashanti’s Awakening: Nothing is separate, nothing is alone …

adyashanti awoke am all that i see

“… Nothing is separate, nothing is alone. I am all that I see. All that I smell, taste, touch, feel, think and know.  …” ~ Adyashanti

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Rumi: When Friends Meet: The Most Alive Moment

sunrise rumi beauty friendship soul

… Any form of beauty or wisdom or celebration that puts one back in friendship with the soul is where the opposites find rest. “How can I be separated and yet in union?” …” ~ Coleman Barks

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Munajat: The Nest of Your Nearness, by Pir Elias Amidon

sunset mountains majesty real awe wonder

“… praying in this manner … points to the unspeakable majesty of the Real … It’s a form of prayer that endears at the same time that it is in awe … ” ~ Pir Elias Amidon

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Teach us, and Show us the Way

mt fuji stillness teach way chinook

“…We call upon the mountains … the summits of intense silence, and we ask that they Teach us, and show us the Way …” ~ Chinook (Anonymous)

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Meditation: Spontaneity of the Mystery of Existence

still lake mountains yosemite

“Meditation is a soundless sonic boom in the silence of the stopped universe.” ~ Robert Rabbin

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The Absolute Unknowable Appears as Spring: Rumi

rumi unknowable as spring

“The absolute unknowable appears as spring …” ~ Rumi

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Thich Nhat Hanh: Please Call Me by My True Names …

thich nhat hanh still arriving

Do not say that I will depart tomorrow — even today I am still arriving … ~ Thich Nhat Hanh

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Taoism – Loy Ching-Yuen: To Know Tao

rumi hidden mysteries still mind loy chin yuen taoism

“To know Tao … meditate and still the mind …” ~ Loy Ching-Yuen

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Soul, Heart, & Body One Morning – Rumi

dawn rumi presence

There’s a morning when presence comes over your soul …” ~ Rumi

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Chief Jake Swamp: Giving Thanks

thanks sun gratitude

“… Elder Brother Sun, we send thanks for shining your light and warming Mother Earth …”  ~ Chief Jake Swamp

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Ellerby: Perfection of This Moment

ellerby time stands still

In this moment, the world dances with me … And time stands still … ~ Jonathan Ellerby

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In Silence – Rumi

rumi guide silence

“A guide has entered this life in silence. His message is only heard in silence …” ~ Rumi

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Solitude – The Communion with Silence : Thomas Merton

solitude merton communion silence

“The solitary life, being silent, clears away the smoke-screen of words … In solitude we remain face to face with the naked being of things …” ~ Thomas Merton

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Nirmala: Pure Freedom Remains …

nirmala hillsides life rises

… floods wash away the precious hillsides life rises to the surface for another breath of joy … ~ Nirmala

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Thich Nhat Hanh: Looking For Each Other …

thich nhat hanh red sun joy

I have been looking for you, World Honored One, since I was a little child … At last I have found you, Blessed One, and I have found myself. … There I sit. … The deep blue sky, … and the shining red sun sing with joy. ~ Thich Nhat Hanh …

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The Dream That Must Be Interpreted – Rumi

rumi dreams reality

“This place is a dream. Only a sleeper considers it real …” ~ Rumi

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Adyashanti: The Truth of what you are

adyashanti truth ocean waves stillness

“… The Truth of what you are {is} … Like an ocean that is both waves and stillness and yet un-definable as waves or stillness …” ~ Adyashanti

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Thomas Merton: The True Purpose of Christian Solitude

merton solitude

“… In solitude I have at last discovered that You have desired the love of my heart …” ~ Thomas Merton

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Ellerby: Understanding Spirituality … & Life

dawn god's light

“… Life awakens in the pale and flowing Blue light of dawn …” ~ Jonathan Ellerby

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Bodhi … Arriving at Eternal Love …


“When I die … I’m not leaving, I’m arriving at eternal love …”   ~ Rumi

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Kahlil Gibran: On Self Knowledge

gibran self sea boundless measureless

AND a man said, Speak to us of Self-Knowledge. And he answered, saying: Your hearts know in silence the secrets of the days and the nights. … … Read the full poem … and reflect on this gem from Kahlil Gibran …

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Soul Joy & Waking Up Happy – Rumi

soul joy dawn veil god rumi

“No one knows what makes the soul wake up so happy …”  ~ Rumi Ponder this gem from Rumi – a Coleman Barks translation.

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Thomas Merton: Prayer, Silence & Solitude

merton prayer eternity

“In true prayer, although every silent moment remains the same, every moment is a new discovery of a new silence, a new penetration into that eternity in which all things are always new …” ~ Thomas Merton Continue reading to appreciate this prayer  …

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Robert Rabbin: The Authentic Life

rabbin immersed this moment

“… to be truly alive is to be deeply immersed in this moment …”  ~ Robert Rabbin Read and reflect on this poem by Robert Rabbin from his book: The 5 Principles of Authentic Living: How to Live an Authentic Life in 10 Words.

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Ellerby: Place Where Everything is Sacred

garden temple

A precious path has led you this far To the beauty of the chalice and the fire, Garden and temple, drum and jewel … Continue reading to enjoy Jonathan Ellerby’s full poem …

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Rumi: No Light Like Yours

this moment

There is no light like yours … ~ Rumi Read & reflect on this gem from Rumi, a Coleman Barks translation.

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Munajat: Your Help, by Pir Elias Amidon

munajat mountains sunrise

You are the becoming and the here, the flowing and the still. ~ Pir Elias Amidon Your Help is from Munajat a book of forty prayers, by Pir Elias Amidon, originally inspired by the Munajat — ‘whispered prayers,” or “intimate conversations with God’ — of the 12th Century Persian Sufi, Abdullah Ansari.

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Meister Eckhart: Nothing but Radiance

meister eckhart radiance

“… love that becomes nothing but radiance within me.”  Enjoy this poem by Meister Eckhart …

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Hafiz: The One Who Loves

The one who loves can never die…  ~ Hafiz

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Kabir: True Path


“Listen to me, dear Sadhu! the true path is rarely found.”  ~ Kabir

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Kahlil Gibran: Song of the Soul

Soul, contemplation, silence

… a song composed by contemplation, And published by silence… And understood by love… And sung by the soul. ~ Kahlil Gibran

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Hafiz: Awake Awhile


Awake awhile, it does not have to be forever… ~ Hafiz

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Rumi: Crazy Lover

Let the lover be. ~ Rumi

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Kabir: Earthen Vessel

creator, life, vessel

Kabir says: “Listen to me, my Friend! My beloved Lord is within.”

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Rumi: The Oldest Thing There is

… your light can fill the ocean where I live.  ~ Rumi

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Munajat: Your Home, by Pir Elias Amidon

You are very quiet, but you leave this trace in my heart.   ~ Pir Elias Amidon Your Home is from Munajat a book of forty prayers, by Pir Elias Amidon, originally inspired by the Munajat — ‘whispered prayers,” or “intimate conversations with God’ — of the 12th Century Persian Sufi, Abdullah Ansari.

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Kabir: Who Needs Words?

Where is the need of words…?

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Rumi: Talking through the Door


“Where can you live safely?….in surrender.”  ~ Rumi

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Nirmala: Love is What You Are

I may think love destroys me, but it is love that sets me free.  ~ Nirmala Every moment of your entire life has been an experience of the flow of awareness and love to something. Even when love isn’t being experienced, there isn’t any less love; there is just less of the outward flow or expression

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Nirmala: Love is for Giving, Not for Getting

loving, awareness, giving

“…you are filled with love when you love, rather than when you are loved.”   ~ Nirmala Enjoy this overview of Love is for Giving, not for Getting, the concluding section from Nirmala’s book, Living from the Heart.

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Kabir: Garden of Flowers

Flower garden, body

…your body….the garden of flowers. ~ Kabir

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Rumi: Quest

wonder, spiritual

“The spiritual seeker surrenders to wonder.”  ~ Rumi

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Rumi: Mirror

Inside You, Mirror

You are….a mirror to the power that created the universe.  ~ Rumi

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Kabir: The Secret Word

Secret Word, Inside Out

How may I ever express that secret word?  ~ Kabir

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Rumi: Quietness

“Walk out like someone suddenly born into color.”  ~ Rumi

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Kabir: The Moon Shines

Moon Inside

“The moon shines in my body, but my blind eyes cannot see it…” ~ Kabir

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Nirmala: Following the Heart’s Wisdom

“When you are in touch with the ultimate truth and the most complete sense of Being, there is nothing separate remaining … no experiencer, no Heart, and no sense of self.  There is only Being.”  ~ Nirmala Read this overview of The Heart’s Wisdom from Nirmala’s book, Living from the Heart.

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Rumi: Become Nothing

rumi, Becoming, radiance, nothing

Become Nothing … And He’ll turn you into everything!  ~ Rumi

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Nirmala: How to Live From the Heart

“The Heart is the totality of your connection with the essential qualities and greater dimensions of your true nature as limitless Being.”  ~ Nirmala Living from the Heart offers a beautiful exploration about how to live. Nirmala’s language and tone is easily absorbed. Each section has instructive p …

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Hafiz: Now is the Time

Now is the time

“Now is the time to know … all you do is sacred.” Enjoy Now is the Time from The Gift with translations of Persia’s beloved 14th century poet, Hafiz.

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Nirmala: Just What Minds Do …

…in the vacant interlude the mind finds no grip. ~ Nirmala Enjoy this poem from Gifts with No Giver, a love affair with truth, Poems by Nirmala.

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Robert Rabbin: Techniques

meditation, water lily, awake

We must become servants of meditation, so meditation will become our Master.”  ~ Robert Rabbin Contemporary mystic Robert Rabbin speaks with intimate authority about the fundamental nature of being, reality, essence. Techniques is a poem from Robert’s book, The Explosive Silence of Meditation, a col …

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Munajat: Benediction, by Pir Elias Amidon

I don’t know where your light comes from or where I end and you begin. ~ Pir Elias Amidon Benediction is from Munajat a book of forty prayers, by Pir Elias Amidon, originally inspired by the Munajat — ‘whispered prayers,” or “intimate conversations with God’ — of the 12th Century Persian Sufi, Abdul …

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Rumi on Thankfulness: The Soul of Beneficence

thankfulness where beloved lives

Thankfulness is the soul of beneficence … … Enjoy Rumi’s wisdom … includes downloadable content.

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Explosive Silence of Meditation: Strategies

meditation silence rabbin

Meditation doesn’t promise anything. It isn’t a strategy. It simply is. … ~ Robert Rabbin Enjoy one of Robert’s 48 sutras for Modern Mystics (Strategies) from his book The Explosive Silence of Meditation … includes downloadable content.

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Munajat: Your Beautiful Composure, by Pir Elias Amidon

Sun, Beautiful, Silence

Inside the noise my life makes you live in silence. ~ Pir Elias Amidon Your Beautiful Composure is from Munajat a book of forty prayers, by Pir Elias Amidon, originally inspired by the Munajat — ‘whispered prayers,” or “intimate conversations with God’ — of the 12th Century Persian Sufi, Abdullah An …

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Colors of Infinity: A Wisdom Gallery

colors infinity

“In the stillness of the quiet, if we listen, we can hear the whisper of the heart …” ~ Howard Thurman As we continue celebrating the first anniversary of launching the new Stillness Speaks ! … we offer some of our popular “wisdom nuggets” … so please … read on to discover these “hidden gems” … and, …

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Sacred Whirling, Sufism & Advaita, a 5-part Series

Turning Whirling Dervishes

“… So the divine level is the one mind, the one consciousness, which is also the same thing as who you are …” ~ Philip Jacobs This Overview introduces a 5-part interview between Paula Marvelly and Philip Jacobs, resident Sheikh of the London-based Study Society, discussing Advaita, Sufism and the tu …

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Robert Rabbin: Glory

 “You’ve got to be awake, alert, and ready for anything. If you live in your mind, you will always seek safety and security, finding it in beliefs and dogma, but all the while you will be hiding from life.” ~ Robert Rabbin Contemporary mystic Robert Rabbin speaks with intimate authority about the fu …

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Munajat: Sama by Pir Elias Amidon

Expansive, slow, alone

Munajat: “… a “whispered prayer” … is On its way to endlessness it has no need for hurry.  ~ Pir Elias Amidon Munajat is a book of forty prayers, by Pir Elias Amidon. These prayers “… were originally inspired by the Munajat — “whispered prayers.” Enjoy Sama, another of Elias’ intimate conversa …

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Robert Rabbin: Lovers – The Heart of Meditation


“… The heart of meditation is eternity without center or edge …” ~ Robert Rabbin Continue reading to enjoy Robert’s full poem …

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Ellerby: Remembering Our Sacred Source

union with sacred

“… All things are made holy in their union with the Sacred …” ~ Jonathan Ellerby In this post Jonathan reminds us that “… The immeasurable essence of our Sacred Source lives within everyone and connects us to our eternal origin and the fabric of being …” Enjoy!

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Ellerby: One Day You Will be the Answer

light spirit

There are moments when Light turns to Spirit. … In that moment You will disappear completely, … Continue reading to enjoy Jonathan Ellerby’s full poem …

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Vashishta: Inner Self


Deep inside of each one of us is light that is utterly peaceful and quiet. It is the you in me and the me in you. It is unaffected and undisturbed by the outer world. … Continue reading to enjoy full post…

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Danna Faulds: The Weaver and the Loom


Dare to be the weaver and the loom, creator and creation, the sower and the sown. In a moment of stillness, all that came before is seen as one. ….  Continue reading to enjoy Danna’s full poem …

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Danna Faulds: Experience This Moment As It Is…

earth exhales blessings

Live this day as if the earth exhales blessings in your direction … Continue reading to enjoy Danna’s full poem …

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Munajat: The Quiet by Pir Elias Amidon

whispered prayer nearness divine reality

Munajat: “… a “whispered prayer” … is love-talk evoking the nearness of divine reality … ~ Pir Elias Amidon Enjoy another of Elias’ intimate conversations with God! …

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Pir Elias Amidon: Munajat – Forty Prayers: In The Cathedral

prayer majesty of the real

“On the one hand {a “whispered prayer,” or “intimate conversation with God” is a} … love-talk evoking the nearness of divine reality, and on the other hand it can’t help but go mute as it points to the unspeakable majesty of the Real …” ~ Elias Amidon Enjoy one of Elias’ intimate conversation wi …

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Pir Elias: Meditations on Nondual Awakening

clear presence this moment

“Open now into the clear presence of this moment … silent and open …” ~ Elias Amidon Free Medicine – Meditations on Nondual Awakening, is a recently published book by a “soon to be added” teacher: Pir Elias Amidon. Connie Shaw, the publisher, graciously offered 3 chapters, as a PDF, for free dow …

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Rumi: Discernment and Surrender


You said, “Who’s at the door?” I said. “Your slave.” You said, “What do you want?” I said. “To see you and bow.” … “You said, “Who did you come with?” “The majestic imagination you gave me.” … Enjoy Rumi’s entire poem “Talk through the door” …

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Shams of Tabriz: Love & The Soul of Fire

love fire

“Love is the water of life. And a lover is a soul of fire! The universe turns differently when fire loves water.” ~ Shams of Tabriz Enjoy the full poem on love by Shams-e-Tabriz, the man totally “annihilated in God,” who was instrumental in bringing us the gift of Rumi!

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Pir Elias: Acceptance, Silence, Awe, & More …

acceptance giving back

“… accept things exactly as they are, including your wanting them to be different. In that acceptance, a way forward is gently given …” ~ Pir Elias In this beautiful and profound post, guest author, Pir Elias Amidon, shares some “suggestions and aphorisms” on acceptance, silence, awe, and more … …

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Adyashanti: The Gifts & Secrets of Silence

radiant darkness

“… Mind throws itself at Silence demanding to be let in. But no mind can enter into Her radiant darkness Her pure and smiling nothingness …” ~ Adyashanti Enjoy this poetry of silence by Adyashanti, one of our featured teachers …

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Rumi: Trusting The Universe – Fear or Blessing?

becoming who I am

Invariably or maybe inevitably, themes, or principles, like “Trust the universe” … or … “let go” … or … “allow it to happen” … are encountered in the journey of self discovery, the journey where discovering one’s True Nature is the primary yearning … the exquisite, endless, paradoxical j …

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Rumi: The Moment …

the moment renewal

… This world is a moment, a pouring that refreshes and renews itself … … Happy New Year dear Stillness Speaks community … May this year be filled with continuous sparks of joy, peace and contentment ! Enjoy the above full Rumi poem and more …

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Prayer For Peace

peace spirit within

“The first peace … comes within the souls of people when they realize … their oneness, with the universe … and when they realize that at the center of the universe dwells Wakan-Tanka (“The Great Mystery”), and that this center is really everywhere, it is within each of us.” ~ Black Elk Adorabl …

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{Gratitude} Prayer For The Great Family

Amazing Paradise Zion's Virgin River Canyon

Gratitude to Mother Earth, sailing through night and day– and to her soil: rich, rare, and sweet in our minds so be it. …. Continue reading to enjoy Gary Snyder’s full poem

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Rumi: The Path of Love

“In Rumi’s poetry, love is the soul of the universe, and the soul knows no bounds … it embraces all people, all countries, and all religions … The goal of Sufism is to know love in all of its glorious forms : and every prophet, every practice, and every form of worship that leads toward love is, i …

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Nirmala: The Mystery …

this moment

the mystery of this simple moment can not be spoken yet all of history occurred to arrive here. …. Continue reading to enjoy Nirmala’s full poem …

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Rumi: Chinese Art And Greek Art

rumi: greek art

“… Art gives a teasing taste of surrender without the full experience. Beautiful poetry can keep one on the verge of the oceanic annihilation in God. Rumi says, we’ve been walking in the surf holding our robes up, when we should be diving naked under, and deeper under.”  That is part of Coleman Ba …

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Rumi: Community Of The Spirit

Rumi Community Spirit

There is a community of the spirit. Join it, and feel the delight of walking in the noisy street and being the noise. …  Enjoy Rumi’s full poem by clicking read more below … Also, visit  Poetry and Consciousness for more …

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Sacred Whirling, Sufism & Advaita (Part 5 of 5)

becoming transparent

“… So the divine level is the one mind, the one consciousness, which is also the same thing as who you are …” ~ Philip Jacobs In the concluding Part 5 of this series, Paula Marvelly and Philip Jacobs, resident Sheikh of the London-based Study Society, continue their conversation on Advaita, Sufi …

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Rabindranath Tagore: Unending Love


“I seem to have loved you in numberless forms, numberless times in life after life, in age after age, forever. My spellbound heart has made and remade the necklace of songs, That you take as a gift, wear round your neck in your many forms, In life after life, in age after age, forever. Continue read …

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Rumi: The Laziest Son …


Rumi uses many real life situations (stories) to convey deeper wisdom … here’s an entertaining story about “laziness” … that opens with: As a man is dying he tells the town judge to give all his inheritance to only one of his three sons – the one who is the laziest! …   There is a fascinating …

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Sacred Whirling, Sufism & Advaita (Part 4 of 5)

hero's journey

“… you are already the one consciousness, you already are the unified state but you have to go off and say ‘yes’ to the great adventure of life … you have to leave who you think you are, and via a strange route, you come back and rediscover that principle of unity in a much fuller way.” ~ Philip Jac …

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Sacred Whirling, Sufism & Advaita (Part 3 of 5)

Universe in eye

If you are observant, what you will see that when you are five years old and when you are fifty-five years old, although your physical body, subtle body and psyche go through many changes, there’s something which is looking out through your eyes that witnesses all these changes, and this thing never …

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Sacred Whirling, Sufism & Advaita (Part 2 of 5)

whirling dervishes

In Part 2 of this series, Paula Marvelly and Philip Jacobs, resident Sheikh of the London-based Study Society, continue their conversation on Advaita, Sufism and the turning ceremony of the whirling dervishes … this part largely focuses on the “turning ceremony” with some comments on Advaita and Suf …

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Rumi: Love

Colors of World Zion

Rumi on …. what love can make or do. Enjoy !

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Sacred Whirling, Sufism & Advaita (Part 1 of 5)

Whirling Dervishes

Paula Marvelly converses with Philip Jacobs, resident Sheikh of the London-based Study Society, about Advaita, Sufism and the turning ceremony of the whirling dervishes, particularly about the way in which sacred dance can be a direct means for accessing, and becoming one with, the Divine. Paula is …

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Thich Nhat Hanh: Our True Heritage …

Fall Woods Trees

The cosmos is filled with precious gems. I want to offer a handful of them to you this morning …

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Rumi’s Life Story: Genesis of His Poetry (Part 1)

Rumi Shams

Rumi’s story of “becoming Rumi” … from being recognized, in his youth, as a “great spirit” by Attar … to him being sought out by the great wandering mystic Shams-e-Tabriz (or Shams) …

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It Is Here: Poem by Nirmala

It Is Here Nirmala Poem

It is Here … it is here in the breath … it is here in the stillness between breaths …  … it is here where it can never be lost or found. ~ Nirmala Continue reading to enjoy Nirmala’s full poem from Gifts with No Giver, a love affair with truth

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Robert Rabbin: When Mind Falls Into Silence

“A tremendous ‘knowing’ comes effortlessly into the mind when it falls into Silence, …  When we allow this knowing into our minds, our very lives become as clear and startling as this knowing.” ~ Robert Rabbin Robert’s Teacher page, which will be added shortly … and as is typical of our Teacher pa …

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Thomas Merton: The Solitude I Am

Thomas Merton

“Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time.” ~ Thomas Merton Thomas Merton was a modern Catholic mystic. In his widely read biography, The Seven Storey Mountain, Merton explained that he was so drawn to God that he could no more deny its pull any more than he could deny hi …

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Listen To The Secret Sound – Kabir

music man secret sound

“If you want the truth, I’ll tell you the truth: Listen to the secret sound, the real sound, which is inside you. …” ~ Kabir Excerpt from “The Simple Purification,” from News of the Universe: Poems of Twofold Consciousness. By Robert Bly

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Enticing Moves: Poem by Nirmala

enticing moves

“What is appealing about Nirmala is his humility and lack of pretense, which welcomes whatever arises within the field of experience. In the midst of this welcoming is always an invitation to inquire deeply within, to the core of who and what you are. Again and again, Nirmala points the questions ba …

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A Mine of Rubies – Rumi

mine of rubies

I looked inward … And the beauty of my own emptiness … filled me till dawn. It enveloped me like a mine of rubies … Its hue clothed me in red silk ~ Rumi …. As translated by Jonathan Star

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Majesty: Presence That Abides – Rumi

… “Majesty is that, composite attention felt as a presence, dawn, a company of friends, a splendor that is prior to, and the source of, the universe. Rumi says it is a state of awareness best spoken of in terms of what it is not …” ~ Coleman Barks Here’s Rumi on Majesty … reminding us of This that …

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Awareness Comes As An Unexpected Visitor – Rumi

Rumi’s very popular poem (The Guest House) about … “momentary awareness” and meeting all of its various manifestations as “unexpected visitors” …our “guides from beyond !” … A profound and exquisite translation by Coleman Barks.

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Tasting Stillness

A poem on Stillness by Michael Jeffreys, a non duality teacher based in Los Angeles. Michael believes that “The peace and rest we all seek is in/as the timeless space of now, not its ever-changing contents.”

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Chief Dan George: Stars… Hope… Silence…

Stars Hope Silence Chief Dan George

May the stars carry your sadness away May the flowers fill your heart with beauty May hope forever wipe away your tears And, above all, may silence make you strong. ~~ Chief Dan George From: Our facebook page

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Ted Andrews: Butterfly – Life is a Dance

Butterfly Dance Ted Andrews

“Butterfly reminds us that life is a dance, a journey from moment to moment, flower to flower, experience to experience. The sweetness of life is experienced in the dance… or perhaps the sweetness of life is experienced in how we choose to dance…” ~~Ted Andrews, author of Animal Speak   From: …

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The Wise Woman’s Precious Stone …

wise woman stone

A wise woman who was traveling in the mountains found a precious stone in a stream … The next day she met another traveler who was hungry, and the wise woman opened her bag to share her food. The hungry traveler saw the precious stone and asked the woman to give it to him. She did so without hesit …

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Samantha Reynolds: Not Old… Fullness of Existing…

Not Old Fullness Being Samantha Reynolds

I am not old … she said … I am rare. I am the standing ovation At the end of the play. I am the retrospective Of my life as art I am the hours Connected like dots Into good sense I am the fullness Of existing. You think I am waiting to die … But I am waiting to be found I am a treasure. I am a …

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Ponca Chief White Eagle: Be Still… Then Act…

be still then act Ponca Chief White Eagle

When you are in doubt, be still, and wait; when doubt no longer exists for you, then go forward with courage. So long as mists envelop you, be still; be still until the sunlight pours through and dispels the mists — as it surely will. Then act with courage. ~~ Ponca Chief White Eagle Quote: Walking …

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Thomas Moore: Silence… Sounds… Soul…

Silence Sound Soul Thomas Moore

Silence is not an absence of sound but rather a shifting of attention toward sounds that speak to the soul. ~~ Thomas Moore From: Our facebook page

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Thich Nhat Hanh: Be One With The Leaf …

Be One With Leaf Thich Nhat Hanh

I asked the leaf whether it was frightened because it was autumn and the other leaves were falling. The leaf told me, “No.During the whole spring and summer I was completely alive. I worked hard to help nourish the tree, and now much of me is in the tree. I am not limited by this form. I am also the …

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Thich Nhat Hanh: Breathing In … as Still Water …

Breathing Still Water Thich Nhat Hanh

Breathing in, I see myself as still water. Breathing out, I reflect things as they are. ~~ Thich Nhat Hanh From: Our facebook page

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Morgan Freeman: Stillness Becomes Radiance …

Stillness Radiance Morgan Freeman

Learning how to be still, to really be still and let life happen ~ that stillness becomes a radiance. ~~ Morgan Freeman From: Our facebook page

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Carl Jung: Look inside to Awaken …

look inside awaken carl jung

Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes. ~~ Carl Jung From: Our facebook page

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Looking within, I discover peace …

Looking within Quero Apache Prayer

Looking behind, I am filled with gratitude, looking forward, I am filled with vision, looking upwards I am filled with strength, looking within, I discover peace. ~~ Quero Apache Prayer From: Our facebook page

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St. Therese of Lisieux: May there be peace within …

peace within therese liseaux

May today there be peace within. May you trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith in yourself and others. May you use the gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you. May you be conten …

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Thich Nhat Hanh: Everyday … All is a miracle …

every day all is miracle thich nhat hanh

People usually consider walking on water or in thin air a miracle. But I think the real miracle is not to walk either on water or in thin air, but to walk on earth. Every day we are engaged in a miracle which we don’t even recognize: a blue sky, white clouds, green leaves, the black, curious eyes of …

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Eckhart Tolle: Conscious Breath …

conscious breath meditation eckhart tolle

One conscious breath … is a meditation. ~~ Eckhart Tolle From: Our facebook page

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Kahlil Gibran: The feelings we live through in love …

love low high tide kahlil gibran

The feelings we live through in love and in loneliness are simply, for us, what high tide and low tide are to the sea. ~~ Kahlil Gibran   From: Our facebook page

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Eileen Caddy: All that you need is deep within you …

be still look within eileen caddy

All that you need is deep within you waiting to unfold and reveal itself. All you have to do is be still and take time to seek for what is within and you will surely find it. ~~ Eileen Caddy From: Our facebook page

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Tagore: Stillness & Movement

In the mountain, stillness surges up to explore its own height; In the lake, movement stands still to contemplate its own depth. by Rabindranath Tagore

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The Culturium – Timeless, Wise and Beautiful

In Arthur Osbourne’s The Mind of Ramana Maharshi, there is an anecdote that has always fascinated me. When asked by a visiting poet to the Ramanasramam for permission to write poems in praise of the great Indian master, Sri Ramana apparently remarked, “All this is only activity of the mind. The more …

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Love Dervishes – Rumi

It takes the courage of inner majesty to stand in this doorway, where there’s no celebrating good fortune, where talk of luck is embarrassing. However your robe of patches fits is right. … Don’t pretend something other than truth. Measuring devices don’t work in this room where the love dervishes me …

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Rumi’s Poetry and Sufism …

“… Why look for God ? …. Look for the one looking for God … but then Why look at all ? … He is not lost … He is right here … Closer than your own breath!” ~Rumi “… The supreme vision of Sufism is to see God everywhere, to view every part of creation as a reflection of God’s glory. The …

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“Love Shines” by Chuck Surface

Love Shines, In the Wellspring of the Heart, For no one or anything in particular. And yet… Everything and everyone Is Lit by its Grace. This is how the Flame in one Heart, Ignites the Ember in another. ~ Chuck Surface Please visit him at www.chucksurface.com Image: pixabay

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Rainer Maria Rilke: Letters to a Young Poet

At the turn of the last century, a 19-year-old student at the Military Academy of Vienna, named Franz Kappus, wanted career advice on his impending secondment to the armed forces, as well as a literary critique on a handful of poems he had recently composed. He decided to contact an alumnus of the a …

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Irina Tweedie: Daughter of Fire

In the West the sun was setting in a sea of shimmering golden clouds. The whole world seemed to be illumined by this vivid gold, was transformed by it. I had to cross the chowraha [circus] to get to the baker’s shop. Before entering, I stopped and turned and saw that right across the chowraha was a …

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Hakim Sanai: The Walled Garden of Truth

Rumi acknowledged Hakim Sanai and Attar as his two primary inspirations, saying, “Attar is the soul and Sanai its two eyes, I came after Sanai and Attar.” Sanai wrote an enormous quantity of mystical verse, of which From The Walled Garden of Truth or The Hadiqat al Haqiqa is his master work and the …

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Rumi’s Magnificent Gift: Who am I?

lake foggy rumi who am i

I am not of this world, nor of the next, nor of Paradise, nor of Hell; I am not of Adam, nor of Eve, nor of Eden and Rizwãn. My place is the Placeless, my trace is the Traceless; ‘Tis neither body nor soul, for I belong to the soul of the Beloved. ~ Rumi

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