Explore by Tradition

Unlock Living Power Of Seeing Clearly? Illumination Rebecca Li

clear seeing rebecca li

“… The mind becomes still as we are no longer agitating the mind with habitual reactivity to the present moment. With this clarity and stillness, we are more able to see that in every moment there is a choice for us to not perpetuate the habit of suffering. …” ~ Rebecca Li

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Can We Love More? Elias Amidon Notes Open Path

love more amidon big dog kitten

“… Love says “I am everything”. Wisdom says “I am nothing”. Between the two, my life flows …” ~ Nisargadatta Maharaj

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Can We Embrace “Yes Buts?” Painting The Sidewalk Joan Tollifson

aliveness here now tollifson sunset

“… This aliveness is always here. We don’t have to work to get it. It is ever-present. Seeking enlightenment is a form of postponement, postponing what can only be realized now ~ Joan Tollifson

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Fear, Habitual Thoughts To Freedom? Mindfulness By Oren Jay Sofer

mindfulness only way to freedom sofer

“… Mindfulness is the only way to be free …” ~ Godwin Samararatne

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A Brief Pause … into Stillness

stillness peace zenju earthlyn manuel

“… The sun is down. Stillness hovers …” ~ Zenju Earthlyn Manuel

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Separateness Illusion: Why We Can’t See It? Power & Gift Zen Tao

illusion of self rufli

“… it is the very illusion of self that hides the Tao …” ~ Trevor Rufli

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What Is Yin Mountain Daoist Immortal Poetry? Levitt & Rebecca Nie

valley spirit yin mountain levitt nie

The Valley Spirit never dies. It is called the Mysterious Female. The gateway of this Mysterious Female is the source of heaven and earth. ~ Dao De Jing

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Can We Get It Wrong? Pathless Path Through Suffering Joan Tollifson

pathless path bottomless moment tollifson sunrise bells beach

“… Presence is where juice is, in the aliveness of this one bottomless moment … the {pathless} path {through suffering} is not moving away from this moment …” ~ Joan Tollifson

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Wonderment Despite Climate Crisis? Susan Bauer-Wu Future We Can Love

“… With a different kind of attention —curious, trusting, open, and loving— we can find the wonders of right where we are …” ~ Susan Bauer-Wu

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Are Inner Peace & External Activism Interconnected? Elias Amidon Notes Open Path

true nature intimacy now amidon majestic sunset

“… We can’t find it out there because it’s right here in the intimacy of now …” ~ Elias Amidon

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3 Wondrous Answers: Miracle of Mindful Presence Thich Nhat Hanh

mindful presence thich nhat hanh scenic Tuscany dawn

“… In mindfulness one is not only restful and happy, but alert and awake. Meditation is not evasion; it is a serene encounter with reality …”  ~ Thich Nhat Hanh

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How Free Are We? Talks On Nonduality Joan Tollifson

NASA Webb Pandora's Cluster

“… The universe is not bound by its content, because its potentialities are infinite ~ Nisargadatta Maharaj

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Alan Watts Talking Zen: What Are The Taoist Ways & Its 3 Keys?

shinjuku park taoist ways watts

” … The philosophy of Tao sees humanity as a part of nature rather than dominating it  …” ~ Alan Watts

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True Meditation Is Awareness? Talks On Nonduality Joan Tollifson

“… True meditation as I mean it is simply awareness … meditation is an invitation to be aware, to be still, to be present …” ~ Joan Tollifson

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Alan Watts Taoist Ways: Seeing Through The Great Social Lie?

man sea watts

“… My inside is not separable from the outside world … the one who either dominates the world or suffers under it … has vanished … never was there …” ~ Alan Watts

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How Every Moment Is Best? Treasure House Kewley

every moment orange rose kewley

“… to somehow become one with the universe, we can start by being one with this moment, this ordinary moment, this sacred moment …” ~ Mike Kewley

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Painting The Sidewalk : Why Sit Quietly? Joan Tollifson

sitting quietly kingfisher tollifson

“… Presence is where the juice is, in the aliveness of this one bottomless moment. …” ~ Joan Tollifson

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Order & Li: What & Why Important? Alan Watts Taoist Ways

order li watts bamboo stems

“… The tao is a certain kind of order, and this kind of order is not quite what we call order … when you look at a plant it is perfectly obvious that the plant has order  … In the Chinese language this is called li …” ~ Alan Watts

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Mind Training: Suffering To Opportunity? Heroic Heart Lojong Palmo

embracing suffering palmo

“… life itself is a gymnasium of the soul … Life is where we have our workout … where we train … ~ Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo

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Practicing Two Kinds of Warmth? Pema Chodron Heart Advice

warmth compassionate heart chodron

“… there are two kinds of warmth that soften us up and make us more decent, loving beings … both come from the warmth of the heart …” ~ Pema Chödrön

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Mind Training: How To Value Adversity? Heroic Heart Lojong Palmo

everything that happens to us palmo

“lojong {mind training} is all about developing … the qualities that will help with whatever happens to us in our lives as our practice. ~ Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo

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Taoist Ways Alan Watts: What’s Wu-Wei And Why Is It Important?

taoist way act accord with existing pattern watts

” … Wu-wei means always acting in accord with the pattern of things as they exist …” ~ Alan Watts

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Pema Chödrön: Being More Alive Via Refraining, Buddha’s 1st Step To Courage

refraining emotions chodron

“… knowing how to work with our emotions is really the key to finding balance and equanimity …” ~ Pema Chödrön

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True Meditation:How Awareness Lays Bare What Is? Joan Tollifson

awareness what is tollifson

“… Every moment, just as it is, is meditation …” ~ Joan Tollifson

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Lojong: How To Be Kind When Wronged: Heroic Heart – Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo

lojong all experience mind palmo

“All experiences are preceded by mind, have mind as their master, are created by mind” ~ The Buddha

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Stillness, Allowing, Just Being… to True Meditation? Joan Tollifson

stillness what is grace tollifson

“… fall in love, fall intimately in love with the gift of presence in ‘what is.’ …” ~ Tony Parsons

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The Joy of Nothing At All: Meditation – Joan Tollifson

“…That there is nothing which can be attained is not idle talk; it is the truth. You have always been one with the Buddha. ~ Huang Po

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Heart Medicine: How to Stop Painful Patterns & Find Peace & Freedom

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“… when we touch what is painful with awareness, the armoring around our heart melts and frees us to reconnect with our full aliveness, wisdom, and love.” ~ Tara Brach

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Illusion: Is The World Real? – Joan Tollifson

illusion tollifson green backed kingfisher

“… There is no ‘I’ to get enlightened. That’s illusion. There’s only being here with what’s here without division … Eyes and ears open, to let everything reveal itself as it is …” ~ Toni Packer

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Separation: The Illusory Story – Joan Tollifson

separation illusion tollifson

“… When the story of separation is believed, solidity and reality are given to limitations and divisions that don’t actually exist …”  ~ Joan Tollifson

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Presence: You Are The Present Moment – Joan Tollifson

“… The present moment is presence itself…”  ~ Joan Tollifson

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Zen Is Right Now – Suzuki Roshi

zen is right now suzuki roshi

“… Zen is not some fancy, special art of living. Our teaching is just to live, always in reality, in its exact sense. To make our effort, moment after moment, is our way …” ~ Suzuki Roshi

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Ecstasy of What Is – Joan Tollifson

ecstasy of what is tollifson thunderstorms monument valley

“… This-here-now is ungraspable …”  ~ Joan Tollifson

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Choosing A Vision: Life Part Two by David Chernikoff

choosing a vision love serve everyone remember god earth buddha chernikoff

“Love everyone, serve everyone, and remember God.” ~ Neem Karoli Baba (Maharaji)

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Life Part Two: 7 Keys To Awakening… David Chernikoff

starry night sea man mystery smith chernikoff

“… We are born in mystery, we live in mystery, and we die in mystery …” ~ Huston Smith

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Relationship: More On Zen by Norman Fischer

sunset couple relationship fischer

“… The most important thing is coming back to presence every day, back to the breath, to sitting, walking, and standing, and remembering that this is what we are …” ~ Norman Fischer

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When You Greet Me I Bow

When You Greet Me I Bow friends being together fischer

“… simply being together with warmhearted kindness, dropping story lines, and appreciating each other’s profound human presence is the whole of the teaching …” ~ Norman Fischer

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Shambhala Publications Series Launch with Norman Fischer

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“Enlightened society has to be real and good, honest and genuine.” ~ Chogyam Trungpa

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Refuge Prayer: Compassion & Kindness – Thay

refuge prayer buddha at bodhi tree thich nhat hanh

“… the living source of understanding and compassion, to the Buddha I go for refuge …” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh

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Kindness and Compassion: A Recap amid COVID

jasper canada tranquillity kindness compassion dalai lama

“Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible … the greatest degree of inner tranquillity comes from the development of love and compassion. ~ H. H. The Dalai Lama

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Original Love – A New Approach to Awakening?

original love shukman

“… We humans are made in such a way that we can directly know original love with our consciousness. True awakening is discovering boundless inseparability and allows us come to the origin point of our existence – original love …” ~ Henry Shukman

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Mistakes & Allowing: The “Gifts” Therein – Joan Tollifson

life unfolding own way tollifson

“… life is in charge, not me. We must discover the willingness to allow life to unfold at its own pace, in its own way …” ~ Joan Tollifson

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Peace Offering – Thich Nhat Hanh & Black Elk

peace offering thich nhat hanh black elk

“… From oneness We derive peace. From peace We derive oneness …” ~ Sri Chinmoy

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Walking Meditation – Thich Nhat Hanh

walking meditation flowers thich nhat hanh

Walking Meditation: “… Walk and touch peace every moment. Walk and touch happiness every moment. Each step brings a fresh breeze. Each step makes a flower bloom under our feet ..” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh

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Self-Improvement: The Elusive Obvious – Joan Tollifson

blossoming aware is now self-improvement tollifson

“… the best place to begin any kind of change is always with simply being aware of how it is right now …” ~ Joan Tollifson

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This … is Not Mind or Buddha … This We Have Now

This sunset shukman

“… We already are it. It is every moment, just as it is …” ~ Henry Shukman

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Praise This Day … by Adyashanti

sunrise praise this day adyashanti

Don’t forget that you are the clear light of awareness ~ Adyashanti

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Choiceless Choice: the story of “me” … Joan Tollifson

wave whole ocean sunset movement tollifson

“… No wave can ever go off in a direction other than the one in which the whole ocean is moving. We are all a movement of the whole …”  ~ Joan Tollifson

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This Moment – Thich Nhat Hanh

this moment wonders hummingbird thich nhat hanh

“… This is the only moment that is real. To be present and enjoy this moment is our most important task …” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh

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Single Vow for Buddha’s Noble Eightfold Path

buddhas noble eightfold path

“Your own self realization is the greatest service you can render the world” ~ Ramana Maharshi

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Wisdom: Right View & Right Orientation

buddha shukman

“… “… Irrigators channel waters; fletchers straighten arrows; carpenters bend wood; the wise master themselves …” ~ Buddha

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Another Prayer … for Peace – Thich Nhat Hanh

peace prayer thich nhat hanh

“… With your deep understanding, help our hearts grow light … May the merit of this prayer be transformed into peace …” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh

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Fulfillment & The Most Important Thing

fulfillment most important shukman

“… Now …is always and ever the most important thing … there is only one place that fulfillment can happen: here and now.” ~ Henry Shukman

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Mental Discipline: Right Effort, Mindfulness & Concentration

mental discipline buddha shukman

“… “… A disciplined mind brings happiness …” ~ Buddha

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Mindfulness in Daily Life – Thich Nhat Hanh

mindful breath thich nhat hanh

“… A mindful breath is your home base …”   ~ Thich Nhat Hanh

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Right Livelihood & Ethical Conduct

right livelihood moral conduct einstein

“… The most important human endeavor is the striving for morality in our actions. Our inner balance and even our very existence depend on it. Only morality in our actions can give beauty and dignity to life …” ~ Albert Einstein

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Embracing What Is – Beyond Self-Improvement

perfect as is yet improvement tollifson

“You are perfect just as you are, and there’s room for improvement.” ~ Shunryu Suzuki

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Right Action, Right Speech … & Patience

autumn river forest right action

“… Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience …” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Meet Me Here Where Silence Roars … by Adyashanti

sunset silence roars meet me here adyashanti

“… Meet me here where silence roars where stillness is dancing …” ~ Adyashanti

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One Blade of Grass – Henry Shukman

“… I am fully awake yet don’t know who I am. A fuse has blown, there is only silence …” ~ Henry Shukman

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After Death: Reincarnation & More – Joan Tollifson

after death sunset unicity ocean every wave tollifson

“… as consciousness or unicity, there is nowhere we are not, just as the whole ocean is there in every wave …” ~ Joan Tollifson

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Choosing What Is: Liberation From All Obstructions

hummingbird choosing what is bays

“… In this passing moment karma ripens and all things come to be. I vow to choose what is …” ~ Hogen Bays

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The Nine Prayers – Thich Nhat Hanh

spirituality every moment thich nhat hanh

“… This kind of prayer is also contemplation, meditation, and practice. It generates spirituality in every moment of our daily life …” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh

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Poems of Fulfillment by Lao Tzu

sunset lake serenity tzu

“… Returning to the source is serenity …” ~ Lao Tzu

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Unbroken Wholeness – Joan Tollifson

mountain river unbroken wholeness tollifson

“… Unbroken wholeness is the ever-present actuality … To awaken is to recognize the sacred everywhere, to live in devotion to this luminous presence …” ~ Joan Tollifson

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Peaceful Living: Prayers for Peace

prayer for peace tranquil sea sunrise

“… let us fill our hearts with our own compassion – towards ourselves and towards all living beings … realize that they are all brothers and sisters, all nourished from the same source of life …” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh

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Essence of Zen via Henry’s Journey (Part 4)

zen communal

“… Zen is almost nothing but communal …” … and offers … “… Lasting, positive character change, meaning less aversion and anger, less craving and clinging, more ease with the arising and passing of things as we live with less domination by self-centeredness …” ~ Henry Shukman

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Seven Advices – Humanity’s Highest Sentiment: Rumi

sunrise compassion sun seven advices rumi

“… In compassion and grace: be like the sun …” ~ Rumi

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Kindness: Buddha & Dalai Lama & COVID-19

beauty kindness farucci

“… Captivation”—the rapt, continuous attention to beauty—allows us to be more in touch with intimate feelings such as love and tenderness. … Enjoying beauty is the easiest way to be kind …” ~ Pierro Ferucci

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Compassion: Dalai Lama & Robert William Service

“… Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive …” ~ His Holiness The Dalai Lama

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Sweet Obedience: Conclusion – Henry Shukman (Part 3)

ants teamwork obedience sharing shukman

“… Zen wasn’t—had never been—about individual revelation. That was all very well, but the core of Zen was sharing …” ~ Henry Shukman

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Breathing: Practice Consciously by Thich Nhat Hanh

sunset breathing aware present moment thich nhat hanh

Practicing conscious breathing, aware of each thought and each act, we are reborn, fully alive, in the present moment … ~ Thich Nhat Hanh

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Totally Obvious Yet Utterly Mysterious – Joan Tollifson

tropical sunset true immortality tollifson

“… Our true immortality is the seamlessness that is without beginning or end for it is always Here-Now …” ~ Joan Tollifson

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Your Top Interests of 2019 & More …

What interested you the most in 2019 … and how you accessed and consumed it …

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Koan Magic: Sweet Obedience – Henry Shukman (Part 2)

sunset boatyard quiet shukman

It’s evening. In the boatyard behind our house the tools are silent, the workers gone home for the day … ~ Henry Shukman

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Equanimity, Love, & Walking In Beauty

binsai rick equanimity thich nhat hanh

“… I vow to practice mindful breathing and smiling … to cultivate compassion and loving kindness, and to practice joy and equanimity …” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh

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2019: Your Year End Giving Makes a Difference

“Generosity and kind words, conduct for others’ welfare, impartiality in all things, these are suitable everywhere.” ~ Buddha As December 31st approaches and you consider causes close to your heart, would you please make Stillness Speaks your generosity recipient. … THANK YOU!

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Death: Dissolving – Joan Tollifson

roses death tollifson

“… this book is about fully embracing death, and therefore life, wholeheartedly and relaxing into the total disintegration … and living and loving and being awake …” ~ Joan Tollifson

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One Blade of Grass: Prologue – Henry Shukman (Part 1)

beach footprints zen shukman

“… a tale of everyday desperation, such as many know, that healed through meditation practice …” ~ Henry Shukman

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FILM: Zen and the West

“Zen is a practice of meditation and action designed to free us to live compassionate, healthy and energized lives” ~ Mountain Cloud Zen Center

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Practice: The Zen Way – Henry Shukman

boat practice lifelong shukman

“… Practice is a lifelong craft … it is the craft of living itself …” ~ Henry Shukman

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Seng-Ts’an: The Mind of Absolute Trust

sunset sky god self everywhere seng tsan

“… God [The Self] is a circle whose centre is everywhere and circumference nowhere …” ~ Carl Jung quoting St.Bonaventure

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Joan Tollifson: What is True Meditation?

true meditation what is tollifson water spring forest

True meditation “… simply means being present to what is: … the spaciousness in which everything is arising, the listening stillness, the aliveness and vibrant present-ness of everything …” ~ Joan Tollifson

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Heart Centered Awareness – Hafiz

beauty heart centered awareness hafiz

“… Beauty yearned to see itself; It turned to man to sing its praise… ~ Hafiz

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Henry Shukman: Awakening in Zen

sunset clouds awakening zen shukman

“… self and world instantly vanish in one true awakening …” ~ Henry Shukman

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Exploring The Frontiers of Zen & Science Part 2

“Buddhism and science are not conflicting perspectives on the world, but rather differing approaches to the same end: Seeking the truth.” His Holiness The Dalai Lama

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The Sacred Within …

sacred within russell

“… The sacred is within our hearts. It is ours whenever & wherever we are …” ~ Peter Russell

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Henry Shukman: Humility, Gratitude, & Compassion

hands united community

“… through devotion to the three treasures — buddha, dharma and sangha, which we can understand as practice, teaching and community — as our greed, aversion and delusion naturally dwindle, so do humility, gratitude and compassion spontaneously come forward …” ~ Henry Shukman

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Batchelor & Shukman on Zen: Arriving at The Single Source

who am i great doubt

“Zen does have a huge amount to offer us here and now, as we are, precisely because it’s so focused on this moment and simply surrendering to it, studying it, coming at it in a number of ways, to have a more intimate relationship with life …” ~ Henry Shukman “What {Buddhism} might lead to is not t …

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Thich Nhat Hanh: Please Call Me by My True Names …

thich nhat hanh still arriving

Do not say that I will depart tomorrow — even today I am still arriving … ~ Thich Nhat Hanh

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Discover Your Hidden Treasure, by Ruben Habito

As we learn to stop and see in a habitual and sustained way, our eyes are opened to the countless treasures that lie right here within our reach, which can fill our hearts with untold joy and deep peace.  ~ Ruben Habito

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McMindfulness: Exploring the Trap – David Loy

mcmindfulness atomized privatized mindfulness

“… stress is framed as a personal problem, and mindfulness is offered as just the right medicine to help employees work more efficiently and calmly within toxic environments …” ~ David Loy

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Thich Nhat Hanh: Looking For Each Other …

thich nhat hanh red sun joy

I have been looking for you, World Honored One, since I was a little child … At last I have found you, Blessed One, and I have found myself. … There I sit. … The deep blue sky, … and the shining red sun sing with joy. ~ Thich Nhat Hanh …

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Meeting Crisis with Zen & Practice – Henry Shukman

zen union wholeness

“… practice can lead us to … where we taste that beneath all the surface troubles of life there is actually a well-being – of all creation creating itself with a vast but empty power …” ~ Henry Shukman

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Kensho & Koan : Henry Shukman & Migaku Sato

kensho awakening

I was given this greatest opportunity of all opportunities – to be a human being. ~ Henry Shukman Henry Shukman talks about kensho and koan study …. and Migaku Sato talks about “what is a koan?”

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Henry Shukman & Jeremy Irons on Zen & Well-Being

conversation zen shukman

“Zen … basically means meditation or meditative absorption.” ~ Henry Shukman See preview video clips of Jeremy in Zen and the West: Finding Peace in Troubled Times … and Henry in One Bright Pearl …

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Chris Hebard: Sound Bites Will Never Liberate You

that which is bhagavad gita

“That which is, never ceases to be, that which is not, never comes into being.”  ~ The Bhagavad Gita (paraphrased) Chris Hebard’s response to “what had he learned from his experience with Stillness Speaks …” … from an exchange with Fred Davis of Awakening Clarity Now.

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What Are You Here For?

what are you here for

“Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.” ~ Ryunosuke Satoro Read on … and give us your answer …

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Henry Shukman: Great Freedom

This is the great freedom of our existence which Zen practice can open up — truly life beyond life, life in life, life in death. ~ Henry Shukman Enjoy Zen Teacher Henry Shukman’s short reflection on Easter, Passover and Zen.

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Waiting: The Simplest Meditation

waiting meditation

Pure waiting, not waiting for any event to happen, just waiting without wanting, can be a profound spiritual practice… Read and reflect on this simplest of meditations …. by Peter Russell.

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Buddhism: Applying Asian Practices in the West

Do not let yourself be diverted from your deepest intuitions by the charisma, intelligence or pressure of others. In the end, life itself is your greatest teacher.   ~ Stephen Batchelor Seven Buddhist teachers from around the world answered questions about the challenges Buddhism faces as it moves i …

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Buddhism: Student and Teacher Relationship

“After my death,” the Buddha said to Ananda, “do not think you will have no teacher: the Dharma will be your teacher.”   ~ Stephen Batchelor Seven Buddhist teachers from around the world answered questions about the challenges Buddhism faces as it moves into the West. This sixth post in our series e …

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Buddhism and Other Spiritual Traditions

…the emphasis of Buddhism is on… practice, not what you believe or what you profess. ~ Rob Nairn Seven Buddhist teachers from around the world answered questions about the challenges Buddhism faces as it moves into the West. This fifth post in our series explores how Buddhism connects to other s …

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Problems Posed by Short-term Gratification

Mind, garden, cultivate

…we have to work on the garden of the mind.  ~ Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo Seven Buddhist teachers from around the world answered questions about the challenges Buddhism faces as it moves into the West. This fourth post in our series explores western cultural emphasis on short term gratification, and as …

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Adapting Buddhism to the West

Buddhism is an emergent process and will always be an organism that is in emergence  ~ Roshi Joan Halifax Seven Buddhist teachers from around the world answered questions about the challenges Buddhism faces as it moves into the West. This post summarizes the seven responses to, How do you practicall …

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Dogen: Original Face

clear, pure, seasons

..pure and clear are the seasons… ~ Dogen

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Exploring Buddhism and Cultural Adaptation

Everything Buddha taught can be boiled down to mindfulness or awareness. ~ Dzongsar Khyentsem Rinpoche Seven Buddhist teachers from around the world were questioned about the challenges Buddhism faces as it moves into the West. This post summarizes the seven responses to, Given that Buddhist practic …

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What is the Purpose of Buddhist Practice?

purpose, buddhism, practice

Buddhist practice is basically to reduce or end our own suffering and cultivate peace and happiness in ourselves, and then to bring that to the world around us. ~ Ringu Tulku Rinpoche Seven Buddhist teachers from around the world were questioned about the challenges Buddhism faces as it moves into t …

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Loving Kindness Meditation

Loving Kindness Meditation

“… May all people awaken to the light of their own true nature …” Happy New Year !

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Dogen: Colors of Mountains

mountains, streams, buddha

The voice and body … Sakyamuni Buddha.  ~ Dogen 

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Dogen: Fleeting Image


Fleeting image… is the way of Dharma.  ~ Dogen 

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The Miracle of Each Moment: Dogen Retreat

Kaz Enso Dogen

Stillness Speaks is very pleased to announce it’s first LIVE EVENT: a 2-day retreat on Zen Master Dogen … co-sponsored with Mountain Cloud Zen Center … Kaz Tanahashi, renowned Dogen scholar, translator, (and calligrapher) will co-host with Henry Shukman (guiding teacher of Mountain Cloud Zen Cen …

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Alan Watts: The “Bag of Skin” Hoax

“The inside information is that yourself as “just little me” who “came into this world” and lives temporarily in a bag of skin is a hoax and a fake.” ~ Alan Watts

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Alan Watts: Inside Information

We do not need a new religion or a new bible. We need a new experience—a new feeling of what it is to be “I.”  ~ Alan Watts Inside Information is the first chapter in Alan Watt’s book The Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are. This post overviews this fascinating chapter written in 1966 which explores a …

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Elias Amidon: How to Practice Living Presence

presence, existence, alive

“The source of existence is immanently present, and it is alive.” ~ Elias Amidon Sufi teacher and writer Elias Amidon reveals ways to be intuitively open to presence which is both around us and in us — at all times, as the living source of our existence.

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Shinzen Young: Is Enlightenment a Myth?

prison, non-enlightenment

“Enlightenment is freedom from non-enlightenment.”  Shinzen Young answers the key question: Is enlightenment a myth? Read this preview of his provocative answer.

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Finding Deeper Happiness

focus, attention, clarity

“…although the the techniques, the focus strategies, that are used around the world are quite different, they all build a combination of fundamental attention skills.”  ~ Shinzen Young In the short video Finding Deeper Happiness, Shinzen Young explores: Are there similar techniques and approaches ac …

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Whole-Hearted Attention

The secret of beginning a life of deep awareness and sensitivity lies in our willingness to pay attention…. Continue to read the entire passage by Christina Feldman and Jack Kornfield…

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Spontaneous Glimpses & Leaking Samadhi, Part 3

clarity, still-point, equanimity

”you need to have concentration, clarity and equanimity … you are trying to detect something very subtle, the presence of the eternal observer, the still point of the turning world.” ~ Shinzen Young This post previews Part 3 of the short video-clip series with Shinzen Young. Shinzen goes into deta …

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Spontaneous Glimpses & Leaking Samadhi Part 1

spontaneous, awakening, clarity

If you have the concentration, clarity and equanimity skills, you can untangle and unblock that re-arising of the mind body experience… Shinzen Young talks about the somewhat commonly reported spontaneous but fleeting experience of glimpsing our true nature… … awakening to the boundless, timel …

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Shinzen Young: Change Your Life with Mindful Awareness

opening up, turning toward

…the ordinary coping mechanism that people carry through life is to tighten up and turn away. The new coping mechanism is the diametric opposite, it’s open up and turn toward.  ~ Shinzen Young Explore this informative, conversational and humorous teaching video, How Mindfulness can Transform Your …

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Emptiness & The Depth of Being: Almaas & Thurman

emptiness, true nature

“I don’t exist but at the same time, I am responsible.” ~ A.H. Almaas In this illuminating conversation, from the 2016 SAND Conference, Hameed Ali Almaas and Robert Thurman discuss the subject of being and nonbeing, emptiness and presence and how this is a foray into the unknown depths of being.  Le …

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Dogen: Impermanence

moon, impermanence

To what shall I liken the world?  ~ Dogen Read this poem by the famous Zen Master…

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Henry Shukman: The Moment that Still IS

I was given this greatest opportunity of all opportunities – to be a human being. ~ Henry Shukman Henry Shukman shares his direct experience … of nothing but pure awareness … where there is no seer … of dying without dying … the moment that still IS … which opened him to the amazing gift o …

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One Bright Pearl: A Conversation About Zen & Awakening

Bright Pearl Zen Awakening

“… I and all beings and the whole great earth together simultaneously have attained the Way …” ~ Buddha’s words after his awakening … In this exclusive VIDEO, available only to our subscribers, Henry Shukman and Chris Hebard converse about a wide range of topics about Zen and awakening …

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Overview of Emptiness, a series in 10 parts, by Greg Goode

vibrant joyful

Experiencing self, other and world as empty is to joyfully experience one’s place in a light, free, open-ended, interpenetrating webwork of relations and dependencies.  ~ Greg Goode Stillness Speaks is pleased to offer this comprehensive ten-part series that explores the nature of Emptiness, written …

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Dogen: Deep Grass

In the midst of illusion I awaken to the true path.  ~ Dogen Read more of this meditative offering.

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Henry Shukman: Zen and the Art… Part 4 of 4

ritual, boy, life

..the secret truth is that art is useless… Its “purpose” is to delight with its purposelessness, to demonstrate that in our lives of “getting and spending” there must be one thing without utilitarian value. ~ Henry Shukman We are pleased to offer the concluding installment of this 4-part series, Z …

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Philip Renard: Five Hallmarks of Non-Dualism, Part 2 of 2

immediacy, changless, natural,

This is a training in not meditating, a training in naturalness, in letting be.” Tulku Urgyen Stillness Speaks is pleased to offer the fifth chapter, Five Hallmarks of Universal Non-dualism, from  Philip Renard’s book Non-Dualism: Eastern Enlightenment in the World of Western Enlightenment which pro …

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Henry Shukman: Zen and the Art… Part 3 of 4

smoke, creativity

Perhaps there is a parallel between the artist wrestling with his medium, bending it to the shape he seeks, and a dharma practitioner wrestling with the equally intractable medium of the “self,” which she strives to see for what it is. We are pleased to offer part 3 of this 4-part series, Zen and Th …

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Colors of Infinity: A Wisdom Gallery

colors infinity

“In the stillness of the quiet, if we listen, we can hear the whisper of the heart …” ~ Howard Thurman As we continue celebrating the first anniversary of launching the new Stillness Speaks ! … we offer some of our popular “wisdom nuggets” … so please … read on to discover these “hidden gems” … and, …

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Henry Shukman: Zen and the Art… Part 2 of 4

zen moss garden

“The arts of Zen are not intended for utilitarian purposes or for purely aesthetic enjoyment, but are meant to train the mind, indeed, to bring it in contact with ultimate reality.”  ~ D.T Suzuki  We are pleased to offer part 2 of this 4-part series, Zen and The Art, authored by Zen teacher and poet …

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Henry Shukman: Zen and the Art… Part 1 of 4

Blue Cliff Record

“There seemed to be a natural congruence between writing and the practice of zazen. And practice was demonstrably helpful: through daily zazen I worried less, focused more, had better ideas and produced more.” ~ Henry Shukman We are pleased to offer this 4-part series, Zen and The Art, authored by Z …

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Henry Shukman: Shinku and What does Being Here Mean?

shinku shunyata being here

If you discover the real nothing, everything then becomes wondrous being. Henry Shukman shares his thoughts on Shinku and Shunyata, true vast emptiness, as defined and encoutered in Zen and Buddhist traditions. He states “being here is not what we take it to be.”

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Henry Shukman: Who is it that Lives?

“I and all beings, and the whole great earth together have simultaneously attained the way.” ~Shakyamuni Buddha Henry Shukman shares his thoughts on Shakyamuni Buddha’s pre-awakening journey as he finally resolved, his burning question: “Who is it that lives?”

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What is a Koan?


The koan is a little nugget of something an awakened master did during his time. ~ Henry Shukman Henry Shukman, Sanbo Zen Teacher and long time koan student, answers the question: What is a koan?

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Teacher and the Self Inquiry Journey

self realization

Is a teacher important on the journey of deep listening, self inquiry? Continue reading for Stillness Speaks’ perspective on teachers for the self realization journey.

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Kaz Tanahashi & Henry Shukman: Dogen Retreat

Henry Shukman Chris Hebard Kaz Tanahashi

“Rising, as the mountain Peaks and valleys deepen- The twilight sound of the cicada Singing of a day Already gone by.” ~ Dogen We are pleased to announce Stillness Speaks’ first live event in Santa Fe on Zen Master Dogen with co-hosts, Kaz Tanahashi and Henry Shukman. We will co-sponsor this event w …

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Shukman: Sanbo Zen & Unconditional Well Being


It’s not so much that are our existence is separate, it just IS other beings. Henry Shukman briefly previews Sanbo Zen … and shares his thoughts on where/how “unconditional well being is to be found.”

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Shūsaku Endō’s: Silence

Savior of the World

Be still and know that I am God “The Lord is in his holy temple: let all the earth keep silence before him.” —Habakkuk 2:20 “It is not possible to praise this tale of religious apostasy highly enough for all the themes it explores…”    Read Paula Marvelly’s compelling explorative review of the 196 …

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Henry Shukman: Addiction to Suffering

addiction to suffering

Suffering is a system to which we attach ourselves. In a way, that’s OK. If that’s what we choose to do, then so be it. Except in another way it’s not OK, because we suffer. We find it painful. Is it better to maintain what is in essence an addiction? Read more to find out …

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Exploring Eastern Wisdom’s Relevance for the West: a 9-part series

eastern wisdom for west

“You can never get enough of what you don’t need to make you happy.” ~ Eric Hoffer In its efforts to consolidate and distribute authentic resources for those deeply interested in self inquiry, Stillness Speaks has created a nine part series that focuses on a central question: What was the secret pro …

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Introduction: Non-Dualism, Eastern Enlightenment in the World of Western Enlightenment

impermanence Mandala

“Many schools… of these Eastern ways of liberation reached the West as separate movements, each one conveying a message that seems to be different from the other. Investigation based on direct experience reveals that the core of some of these teachings is basically one and the same… ” Stillness …

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Emptiness by Greg Goode (Part 10 of 10)

emptiness, ancient greece

“As far back as ancient Greece, and at many subsequent times in history, there have been Western thinkers who investigated similar questions: objectivity, independence and essence” ~ Greg Goode In Part 10 of this series, Greg concludes his overview of emptiness with the Western Teachings

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Emptiness by Greg Goode (Part 9 of 10)

holistic, emptiness, experience

“Experiencing self, other and world as empty is to joyfully experience one’s place in a light, free, open-ended, interpenetrating webwork of relations and dependencies. Lightness and joy come from no longer feeling as though reality has or needs a foundation ” ~ Greg Goode In Part 9 of this series,  …

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Emptiness by Greg Goode (Part 8 of 10)

Emptiness, patience, compassion

“According to the Buddhist path, one trains to stabilize the attention, abandon harmful actions, take up helpful actions, generate patience and compassion, and meditate on the nature of self and other.” ~ Greg Goode In Part 8, Greg continues his overview of emptiness with  How to Realize Emptiness.

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Rest: Retire to the Center of Your Being

enlightenment no talk

To know Tao Meditate And still the mind … … ~ Loy Ching Yuen We are taking a brief rest … so there is no newsletter this week … if you are interested, here’s our most recent newsletter, titled : Sanbo Zen, Simplicity of What Is, Nonduality & More … and our newsletter archives. Meantime …

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Zen and Work: Sanbo Zen (Part 9)

“Nurturing and supporting “kensho”, realization of the way in Zen, is Sanbo Zen’s primary mission. It may be the only practice dedicated solely to awakening, followed by the complete integration of that direct experience into every aspect of life. In this final part of our series (Part 9) we learn a …

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Emptiness by Greg Goode (Part 7 of 10)

Compassion, emptiness

“Compassion moves the practitioner beyond a merely memorized or intellectual understanding of the emptiness teachings. Compassion helps one’s realization become global and holistic.” ~ Greg Goode In Part 7, Greg continues his overview of emptiness with  Compassion and Emptiness.

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Zen: The Birth of Sanbokyodan – Sanbo Zen (Part 8)

“If you are unable to find the truth right where you are, where else do you expect to find it?” ~ Dogen Zenji In Part 8 of this series, we explore how Sanbokyodan influenced Zen in America … as part of our ongoing exploration of the fundamental question: Is the Eastern Wisdom of India, Tibet and Jap …

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Zen for Troubled Times – Henry Shukman

Do not follow the ideas of others, but learn to listen to the voice within yourself. Your body and mind will become clear, and you will realize the unity of all things – Dogen 1200-1253 Zen was born in a time of Crisis. During the Chinese Tang dynasty between 600-900 AD the two great traditions of B …

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Emptiness by Greg Goode (Part 6 of 10)

emptiness, meeting, conception, dependent arising

“…inherent existence is the kind of existence that things do not have. Things actually lack inherent existence, because they exist as dependent arisings.” ~ Greg Goode In Part 6, Greg continues his overview of emptiness by exploring Inherent Existence and its relationship with emptiness and depend …

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Emptiness by Greg Goode (Part 5 of 10)

emptiness web interconnectedness

“…we are not separate and independent entities, but rather we exist in dependence on webworks of relations and transactions …” ~ Greg Goode In Part 5 of this series, Greg continues his overview of emptiness … and explores Emptiness and Dependent Arising, Conventional Existence, and Emptiness I …

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Henry Shukman: Buddha’s Middle Way

buddha middle way

“… one of the eight tenets of Mahayana Buddhism is that all beings are in the process of becoming Buddha …” ~ Henry Shukman Henry’s message about Buddha’s Middle Way … from Mountain Cloud Zen Center’s February 28, 2017 weekly Newsletter …

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Zen: What are Soto, Rinzai, & Sanbokyodan Schools? (Part 7)

zen trees forest

“… the very impermanency of grass and tree, thicket and forest is the Buddha nature …” ~ Dogen In Part 7 of this series, we consider the emergence of Zen in 20th century – it’s various schools: Soto, Rinzai, and Sanbokyodan … as part of our ongoing exploration of the fundamental question: Is the …

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Emptiness by Greg Goode (Part 4 of 10)

emptiness enso

“… Everything is said to be empty, even emptiness …” ~ Greg Goode In Part 4 of this series, Greg continues his overview of emptiness … and explores The Dialectical Approach and The Buddhist perspective …

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Dogen Zenji: Zen in Japan (Part 6)

dogen timeless moment

“… For Dogen, the miracle {of beyondness or buddha realm} can happen each moment, as each moment of duality is inseparable from a moment of nonduality …” ~ Kaz Tanahashi In Part 6 of this series, we continue the review of Zen in Japan – through Dogen’s journey of self realization … as part of ou …

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Living Fully: Awakening in Our Time with Zen Master Dogen

Kaz Enso Dogen

Stillness Speaks is very pleased to announce an upcoming retreat on Zen Master Dogen … co-sponsored with Mountain Cloud Zen Center … in July 2017. Kaz Tanahashi, renowned Dogen scholar, translator, (and calligrapher) will co-host with Henry Shukman (guiding teacher of Mountain Cloud Zen Center), …

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Emptiness by Greg Goode (Part 3 of 10)

emptiness vibrant joyful life

“… Emptiness teachings … transform life in a way that makes it light-hearted, joyful and vibrantly alive …” ~ Greg Goode In Part 3 of this series, Greg addresses how emptiness can help with suffering …

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Zen in Japan: Dogen Zenji (Part 5)

utter stillness

“In spring hundreds of flowers, in autumn the clear moon, In summer a cool breeze, and in winter the white snow, if your mind is free of vanity, then every season is fine.” In Part 5 of this series, we delve into the mystery and promise of Zen, particularly Zen in Japan … as we continue to explore …

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The Peace That Surpasses All Understanding (Part 4)

peace beyond understanding zen

“… You are an aperture through which the universe is looking at and exploring itself …” ~ Alan Watts We resume the multi-part series titled: Is the Eastern Wisdom relevant to me in contemporary American Culture? …  In Part 4 of this ongoing series we explore retracing the adventures of Western …

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Emptiness by Greg Goode (Part 2 of 10)

free from opposites

“… Emptiness teachings … free you from experiencing yourself and world in terms of … opposites …” ~ Greg Goode In Part 2 of this 10-part series, Greg address two questions: How is Emptiness Nondual? and What Does Emptiness Mean? Enjoy!

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Henry Shukman: Koan Training in the West


“… Understanding “self” as a “sensorium” constructed from several channels of experience, and seeing through the illusion … seeing through to Zero, the fundamental infinite-empty-oneness of self and world, space and time …” ~ Henry Shukman Henry writes a message in Mountain Cloud Zen Center’s …

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Emptiness by Greg Goode (Part 1 of 10)

vibrant joyful

“Finding the absence of the inherently existent self is realizing the emptiness of the self.” ~ Greg Goode A comprehensive overview of the Indo-Tibetan approach to Prasangika Madhyamaka … In this 10-part series, Greg takes us on a deep dive into emptiness … in this Part 1 he gives us an overview …

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Realization: Emptiness vs Advaita ? (Part 3 of 3)

“…it is often said that from the standpoint of “after” realization (note the quotation marks), nothing ever happened …” … “…to realize emptiness is to realize the interdependence of what one thought was fixed and independent …”  In Part 3 of this 3 part series Greg Goode concludes his anal …

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Can We Equate Emptiness with Advaita ? (Part 2 of 3)

emptiness awareness

“… awareness is said to be the essence of all things …” … “… In the emptiness teachings, there are no essences …”  In Part 2 of this 3 part series Greg Goode delves into the differences between Emptiness and Advaita …

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Can We Equate Emptiness with Advaita ? (Part 1 of 3)

self reflection emptiness

“… Emptiness teachings entail a radical critique of the notions of objective truth and independence. This is part of how one realizes that emptiness is empty. The teachings look at themselves …”  {Advaita teachings} “… the single reality that is beyond pointing, but which is what the self and …

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Prayer of Compassion

tree mirroring shantideva prayer

This Prayer is performed each morning by His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

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Thich Nhat Hanh: Our True Heritage …

Fall Woods Trees

The cosmos is filled with precious gems. I want to offer a handful of them to you this morning …

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Robert Thurman: Visionary Buddhist Leader & Scholar

Robert Thurman Dalai Lama

“Imagine a culture in which everything is geared toward helping all individuals become the best human beings they can be; in which individuals are driven to devoting their lives to becoming enlightened by the natural flood of compassion for others that arises from their wisdom …” ~ Robert Thurman St …

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What are the Great Mysteries of Tibet & Nepal? (Part 3)

Tibet Monastery

“I feel Tibetan culture with its unique heritage…has developed a kind of energy which is very helpful for cultivating peace of mind and a joyful life….There is a potential for Tibet to help humanity, … I feel very strongly that Tibetan culture will have a role to play in the future …” ~ His Holiness …

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Joan Halifax: Visionary Zen Buddhist Priest

Joan Halifax Dalai Lama

“Zen practice is about relating to each other face to face, mind to mind, heart to heart…with nothing but clear, connecting space between us.” ~ Roshi Joan Halifax Stillness Speaks is honored to add Roshi Joan Halifax to the list of our teachers. You can explore her work through her videos, audios, …

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Truth Will Set You Free: Time Does Not Exist (Part 2 of 2)

Guest author, Hans Meijer explores the subject of time and posits that “Time does not exist.” … He makes the case that “… there is only NOW – in which all that is manifested appeared, changes and disappears …” … and that “… existence is fundamentally connected with the eternal now, the tim …

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Truth Will Set You Free: Time Does Not Exist (Part 1 of 2)

Guest author, Hans Meijer explores the subject of time and posits that “Time does not exist.” … He makes the case that “… there is only NOW – in which all that is manifested appeared, changes and disappears …” … and that “… existence is fundamentally connected with the eternal now, the tim …

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Zen Practice – Henry Shukman

“At its best Zen leads us out of the hell of self-obsession, by showing us that what we took to be the seat of our self was a chimera, a mirage. … when we really follow the guidance and wisdom enshrined in the heart of the tradition, instead, we are released from mistaken views, and find a great l …

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Life from Above, and Beyond, with words from Alan Watts – A Trey Ratcliff Montage

Enjoy this 8:58 minute video of Alan Watts’ words of wisdom with stunning photography by Trey Ratcliff and music from Hans Zimmer.

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Exploring The Frontiers of Zen & Science

Upaya Zen Center’s pioneering retreat, Zen Brain, explores the intersection of Neuroscience and Zen Buddhism. Neuroscientists, Buddhist teachers & practitioners, Cognitive Scientists, Psychiatrists and leaders in other related fields come together annually to explore this emerging and fascinatin …

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Why The American Pilgrimage to India? (Part 2)

“There is no greater mystery than this: being Reality ourselves, we seek to gain Reality.” ~ Ramana Maharshi … In Part 2 of this series we continue the exploration of the question What was the secret promise held by the East that the West craved so deeply … ?

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Thich Nhat Hanh: Be One With The Leaf …

Be One With Leaf Thich Nhat Hanh

I asked the leaf whether it was frightened because it was autumn and the other leaves were falling. The leaf told me, “No.During the whole spring and summer I was completely alive. I worked hard to help nourish the tree, and now much of me is in the tree. I am not limited by this form. I am also the …

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Thich Nhat Hanh: Breathing In … as Still Water …

Breathing Still Water Thich Nhat Hanh

Breathing in, I see myself as still water. Breathing out, I reflect things as they are. ~~ Thich Nhat Hanh From: Our facebook page

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Thich Nhat Hanh: Everyday … All is a miracle …

every day all is miracle thich nhat hanh

People usually consider walking on water or in thin air a miracle. But I think the real miracle is not to walk either on water or in thin air, but to walk on earth. Every day we are engaged in a miracle which we don’t even recognize: a blue sky, white clouds, green leaves, the black, curious eyes of …

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Is Eastern Wisdom Relevant To Me In Contemporary American Culture? … a Multi Part Story

eastern wisdom for west

“There are many paths to the top of the mountain, but the view is always the same.” ~ Chinese Proverb It all seems so confusing. So many paths to choose from, so many “gurus”, so many instructional and experiential opportunities, so many “Flavors of the week !” … If we were to forced to speculate on …

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A Mini Introduction to Zen …


“…“Zen” simply means “meditation.” The word derives from “dhyana” in Hindi, which became “Chan” in Chinese, and “Zen” in Japanese. Zen is a form of Buddhist meditation – there is nothing to believe in, and nothing special to do or be – no special robes, no shaved heads (unless that’s what you happ …

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Alan Watts: Zen Bones


“Once upon a time, there was a Zen student who quoted an old Buddhist poem to his teacher, which says: The voices of torrents are from one great tongue, the lions of the hills are the pure body of Buddha. ‘Isn’t that right?’ he said to the teacher. ‘It is,’ said the teacher, ‘but it’s a pity to say …

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The Nondual Wisdom of Karlfried Graf Durckheim

Becoming Transparent to the Transcendent:  Karlfried Graf Durckhein While visiting with Francis Lucille during his retreat outside of Munich, Germany this summer, he stunned me with a quote from Karlfield Graf Durckheim, the German diplomat, psychotherapist, Zen "master" and deeply en …

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