Explore: Read

Buddhism: Student and Teacher Relationship

Buddhism: Student and Teacher Relationship

“After my death,” the Buddha said to Ananda, “do not think you will have no teacher: the Dharma will be your teacher.”   ~ Stephen Batchelor

Seven Buddhist teachers from around the world answered questions about the challenges Buddhism faces as it moves into the West. This sixth post in our series explores the Buddhist student-teacher relationship. 

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Buddhism and Other Spiritual Traditions

Buddhism and Other Spiritual Traditions

…the emphasis of Buddhism is on… practice, not what you believe or what you profess. ~ Rob Nairn

Seven Buddhist teachers from around the world answered questions about the challenges Buddhism faces as it moves into the West. This fifth post in our series explores how Buddhism connects to other spiritual systems. 

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Problems Posed by Short-term Gratification

Problems Posed by Short-term Gratification

…we have to work on the garden of the mind.  ~ Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo

Seven Buddhist teachers from around the world answered questions about the challenges Buddhism faces as it moves into the West. This fourth post in our series explores western cultural emphasis on short term gratification, and asks, is it a problem for Buddhism? 

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Consciousness Revolution: Strategy for Self-Exploration

Consciousness Revolution: Strategy for Self-Exploration

The psyche is not a product of the brain …it is the creative and generative principle of the cosmos.

In this fifth post in our series, The Consciousness Revolution, Grof acknowledges that although many methods of psychotherapy exist, the most effective are those that mediate contact between the conscious ego and spiritual consciousness.

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Adapting Buddhism to the West

Adapting Buddhism to the West

Buddhism is an emergent process and will always be an organism that is in emergence  ~ Roshi Joan Halifax

Seven Buddhist teachers from around the world answered questions about the challenges Buddhism faces as it moves into the West. This post summarizes the seven responses to, How do you practically work with the cultural adaptation of Buddhism as a teacher? 

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The Consciousness Revolution: New Methods for Psychotherapy

The Consciousness Revolution: New Methods for Psychotherapy

…as deeper layers of the unconscious unfold … we find additional roots… on the transpersonal level of the psyche.  ~ Stan Grof

In this fourth post in our series, The Consciousness Revolution, Grof describes how new methods for working with emotional and psychosomatic disorders (such as holotropic breathwork) are exposing new psychic roots and offering better treatments for trauma.

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Exploring Buddhism and Cultural Adaptation

Exploring Buddhism and Cultural Adaptation

Everything Buddha taught can be boiled down to mindfulness or awareness. ~ Dzongsar Khyentsem Rinpoche

Seven Buddhist teachers from around the world were questioned about the challenges Buddhism faces as it moves into the West. This post summarizes the seven responses to, Given that Buddhist practice has always taken on very different forms in different cultures, …what aspects should be adapted given the different circumstances in the west, or in Africa? 

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The Consciousness Revolution: New Map of the Psyche

The Consciousness Revolution: New Map of the Psyche

“Transpersonal….consciousness transcends the boundaries of the body/ego and the usual limitations of linear time and three-dimensional space.”  ~ Stan Grof

In this third post in our The Consciousness Revolution series, Grof expands the mainstream map of the human psyche by adding two domains of consciousness: perinatal and transpersonal.

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What is the Purpose of Buddhist Practice?

What is the Purpose of Buddhist Practice?

Buddhist practice is basically to reduce or end our own suffering and cultivate peace and happiness in ourselves, and then to bring that to the world around us. ~ Ringu Tulku Rinpoche

Seven Buddhist teachers from around the world were questioned about the challenges Buddhism faces as it moves into the West. The questions and answers were compiled into a short book, 7 Questions for 7 Teachers. This post summarizes responses to the first question, What is the purpose of Buddhist Practice?

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The Nature of Consciousness and its Relationship to Matter

The Nature of Consciousness and its Relationship to Matter

“…human consciousness is capable of doing many things that the brain… could not possibly do and that it is a primary….aspect of existence.”

In this second post from The Conscious Revolution, Grof explores at the nature of consciousness and its relationship to matter, overturning the conventionally accepted materialist attitude.

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The Consciousness Revolution: New Perspectives

The Consciousness Revolution: New Perspectives

“We are not human beings having spiritual experiences, we are spiritual beings having human experiences.” ~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

This first post on our series The Consciousness Revolution introduces Stan Grof’s radical and far-reaching views about consciousness, psychotherapy, and the human psyche.

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