Explore: Read

Nirmala: Love is What You Are

Nirmala: Love is What You Are

I may think love destroys me, but it is love that sets me free.  ~ Nirmala

Every moment of your entire life has been an experience of the flow of awareness and love to something. Even when love isn’t being experienced, there isn’t any less love; there is just less of the outward flow or expression

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Sanctuary by Elias Amidon

Sanctuary by Elias Amidon

Our future is, and always has been, something given by the whole universe.  ~ Elias Amidon

Sufi teacher and writer Elias Amidon explores impermanence and presence within our notion of Sanctuary. These “two” qualities of our sanctuary — impermanence and presence — are not in actuality two. How this is, is a mystery.

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THANK YOU: Giving Tuesday & Puerto Rico Relief

THANK YOU: Giving Tuesday & Puerto Rico Relief

Gratitude is the ability to experience life as a gift. It liberates us from the prison of self-preoccupation ~ John Ortberg

THANK YOU for supporting our Giving Tuesday campaign.

We will continue this campaign through the end of today (Nov 29, 2017) … and today’s donations will continue to be for #GivingTuesday … and help support the relief efforts for the hurricane ravaged Puerto Rico.

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1 Day to Giving Tuesday: Puerto Rico Hurricane Relief

1 Day to Giving Tuesday: Puerto Rico Hurricane Relief

Life’s most persistent and urgent question is: what are you doing for others? ~ Unknown

Giving Tuesday is a global day of giving back. On Tuesday November 28, 2017, you’ll have the chance to join people around the world who are giving to support humanitarian causes.

As part of Stillness Speaks’ #GivingTuesday campaign, please help us raise $10K towards the relief efforts for the hurricane ravaged Puerto Rico … and in the process, you will also help support Stillness Speaks.

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Kashmir Shaivism: A Brief Primer (Part 3 of 3)

Kashmir Shaivism: A Brief Primer (Part 3 of 3)

“The nature of this yogi and the external world become one; they are experienced as being completely united, one with the other.”  ~ John  Hughes

John Hughes’ article Moksha in Kashmir Shaivism introduces the extraordinary soteriology of Kashmir Shaivism. This third and final post in our series explores the Moksha (or liberation) experience.

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5 Days to Giving Tuesday: Puerto Rico Hurricane Relief

5 Days to Giving Tuesday: Puerto Rico Hurricane Relief

When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed. ~ Maya Angelou

Giving Tuesday is a global day of giving back. On Tuesday November 28, 2017, you’ll have the chance to join people around the world and support a cause that deepens compassion and self awareness.

As part of Stillness Speaks’ #GivingTuesday campaign, please help us raise $10K towards the relief efforts for the hurricane ravaged Puerto Rico.

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Kashmir Shaivism: A Brief Primer (Part 2 of 3)

Kashmir Shaivism: A Brief Primer (Part 2 of 3)

“Awareness is the reality of everything… Having differentiated knowledge and not having undifferentiated knowledge is bondage.” ~ from Shiva Sutras

John Hughes’ article Moksha in Kashmir Shaivism introduces the extraordinary soteriology of Kashmir Shivaism. This second post in our series overviews the means (upayas) used by aspirants seeking moksha in Kashmir Shaivism.

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Stillness Speaks and Giving Tuesday: 7 Days to go

Stillness Speaks and Giving Tuesday: 7 Days to go

Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world. ~ Desmond Tutu

Giving Tuesday is a global day of giving back. On Tuesday November 28, 2017, you’ll have the chance to join people around the world and support a cause that deepens compassion and self awareness.

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Ramana Maharshi: Who Am I?

Ramana Maharshi: Who Am I?

“…everyone has the greatest love for himself…solely due to the fact that happiness is his real nature.”  ~ Ramana Maharshi

To discover the birth-right of happiness, Ramana Maharshi urges us to discover who we really are. To do this, we must each inquire “Who am I” in quest of the Self. Read this overview of Ramana’s Who am I? essay.

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