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Pir Elias Amidon: Open Awareness

Pir Elias Amidon: Open Awareness

Awareness is primordial; it is the original state, beginningless, endless, uncaused, unsupported, without parts, without change… It is the common matrix of every experience. ~ Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

Stillness Speaks is pleased to offer the Preface and first chapter from Pir Elias Amidon’s book, The Open Path: Recognizing Nondual Awareness. Read this overview of Pir Elias’ writing about intimate awareness and learning to see with the eye of the heart. 

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Spontaneous Glimpses & Leaking Samadhi, Part 3

Spontaneous Glimpses & Leaking Samadhi, Part 3

”you need to have concentration, clarity and equanimity … you are trying to detect something very subtle, the presence of the eternal observer, the still point of the turning world.” ~ Shinzen Young

This post previews Part 3 of the short video-clip series with Shinzen Young. Shinzen goes into detail about mindfulness practice, particularly focusing on concentration, clarity, and equanimity … and also covers self inquiry in the context of mindfulness practice.

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Richard Rohr: Becoming Stillness

Richard Rohr: Becoming Stillness

The spirit drove Jesus into the wilderness
there he met the wild beast.
Angels ministered to him.  ~ St. Mark

In this preview of an inspiring talk given at Norwich Cathedral, Fr. Richard Rohr outlines his vision of a non-dual Christianity, which disappeared from the west 400 years ago. In his travels and work Fr. Rohr sees a great yearning inside and outside of the church for a different way of knowing God …

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Spontaneous Glimpses & Leaking Samadhi Part 1

Spontaneous Glimpses & Leaking Samadhi Part 1

If you have the concentration, clarity and equanimity skills, you can untangle and unblock that re-arising of the mind body experience…

Shinzen Young talks about the somewhat commonly reported spontaneous but fleeting experience of glimpsing our true nature… … awakening to the boundless, timeless, spaceless freedom. Enjoy this short preview from an upcoming film on mindfulness and more, featuring Shinzen – a world renowned mindfulness teacher.

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Shinzen Young: Change Your Life with Mindful Awareness

Shinzen Young: Change Your Life with Mindful Awareness

…the ordinary coping mechanism that people carry through life is to tighten up and turn away. The new coping mechanism is the diametric opposite, it’s open up and turn toward.  ~ Shinzen Young

Explore this informative, conversational and humorous teaching video, How Mindfulness can Transform Your Being, from Shinzen Young. This post overviews Shinzen’s special strategies for Mindful Awareness Practice. Exquisitely practical, Shinzen’s carefully developed and researched mindfulness techniques can transform your life.

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Richard Rohr’s Bottom-Up Spirituality

Richard Rohr’s Bottom-Up Spirituality

People who’ve had any genuine spiritual experience always know that they don’t know. They are utterly humbled before mystery. They are in awe before the abyss of it all, in wonder at eternity and depth, and a Love, which is incomprehensible to the mind.

Stillness Speaks is pleased to introduce Richard Rohr … enjoy this sampling of his radical and refreshing Christian perspective … with more to come in the future.

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Emptiness & The Depth of Being: Almaas & Thurman

Emptiness & The Depth of Being: Almaas & Thurman

“I don’t exist but at the same time, I am responsible.” ~ A.H. Almaas

In this illuminating conversation, from the 2016 SAND Conference, Hameed Ali Almaas and Robert Thurman discuss the subject of being and nonbeing, emptiness and presence and how this is a foray into the unknown depths of being.  Learn whether there are differences between the Buddhist perspective and The Diamond Approach. This post overviews the hour and a half video conversation.

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Consciousness & Awareness: Almaas & Spira

Consciousness & Awareness: Almaas & Spira

Awareness can be experienced in two ways, awareness of being-ness (pure self) and awareness of nonbeing-ness (selfless awareness). Both are awareness, but it seems that awareness has two faces. ~ Hameed Ali

We are pleased to offer this fascinating and challenging conversation, recorded at the 2013 Science and Non-Duality (SAND) Conference, between Hameed Ali (A.H. Almaas) and Rupert Spira focusing on the nature of awareness and perception. Enjoy this overview and watch the video.

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Henry Shukman: The Moment that Still IS

Henry Shukman: The Moment that Still IS

I was given this greatest opportunity of all opportunities – to be a human being. ~ Henry Shukman

Henry Shukman shares his direct experience … of nothing but pure awareness … where there is no seer … of dying without dying … the moment that still ISwhich opened him to the amazing gift of truly being a human being. 

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Robert Rabbin: Techniques

Robert Rabbin: Techniques

We must become servants of meditation, so meditation will become our Master.”  ~ Robert Rabbin

Contemporary mystic Robert Rabbin speaks with intimate authority about the fundamental nature of being, reality, essence. Techniques is a poem from Robert’s book, The Explosive Silence of Meditation, a collection of sutras reflecting deep reality: the place of Being itself. 

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Joan Tollifson: Consciousness, Awareness & Attention, Part 2 of 2

Joan Tollifson: Consciousness, Awareness & Attention, Part 2 of 2

Everyone sees a completely unique movie of waking life. When we try to meet each other on the level of forms and appearances, the results are often unsatisfying. But as awareness, we are one whole undivided being.  ~ Joan Tollifson

Are consciousness, awareness and attention the same thing? Joan Tollifson continues her examination of these familiar yet enigmatic “concepts.”

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