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The Ten Thousand Things: Freedom to Be

The Ten Thousand Things: Freedom to Be

The deepest wellsprings of thought and action exist beyond our ken and beyond conscious control. ~ Robert Saltzman

In Freedom to Be, an excerpt from TheTen Thousand Things, Robert Saltzman explores free-will within the context of no intrinsic self. He explores who or what makes choices and examines what choices really are.  Robert turns many of our basic assumptions about choice and freedom up-side down.

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Here and Now, Robert Saltzman

Here and Now, Robert Saltzman

This is about actually hearing something for the first time, something you have never heard before.  ~ Robert Saltzman

Robert Saltzman has shared this short poetic video with Stillness Speaks which offers a moving photo-montage and lyrical insights about the simplicity of living here and now.   Enjoy this brief overview.

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Richard Sylvester: Non-Duality Questions & Answers

Richard Sylvester: Non-Duality Questions & Answers

Nothing will get the person out of their prison because the person is the prison. When the person drops away, it is seen that there never was a prison in the first place. ~ Richard Sylvester

Stillness Speaks is pleased to offer an excerpt (downloadable PDF) from Richard Sylvester’s latest book, Non-Duality Questions, Non-Duality Answers.  Richard is a humanistic psychologist, therapist and lecturer .. and is a speaker at SAND Italy 2017.

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Henry Shukman: Zen and the Art… Part 4 of 4

Henry Shukman: Zen and the Art… Part 4 of 4

..the secret truth is that art is useless… Its “purpose” is to delight with its purposelessness, to demonstrate that in our lives of “getting and spending” there must be one thing without utilitarian value. ~ Henry Shukman

We are pleased to offer the concluding installment of this 4-part series, Zen and The Art, authored by Zen teacher and poet Henry Shukman.
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Philip Renard: Five Hallmarks of Non-Dualism, Part 2 of 2

Philip Renard: Five Hallmarks of Non-Dualism, Part 2 of 2

This is a training in not meditating, a training in naturalness, in letting be.” Tulku Urgyen

Stillness Speaks is pleased to offer the fifth chapter, Five Hallmarks of Universal Non-dualism, from  Philip Renard’s book Non-Dualism: Eastern Enlightenment in the World of Western Enlightenment which provides an in-depth exploration of non-duality.  In Part 1, Renard explored the first two hallmarks of nondualism:  Awareness and No-mind. In this post, Renard covers the remaining three.

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Henry Shukman: Zen and the Art… Part 3 of 4

Henry Shukman: Zen and the Art… Part 3 of 4

Perhaps there is a parallel between the artist wrestling with his medium, bending it to the shape he seeks, and a dharma practitioner wrestling with the equally intractable medium of the “self,” which she strives to see for what it is.

We are pleased to offer part 3 of this 4-part series, Zen and The Art, authored by Zen teacher and poet Henry Shukman.
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Philip Renard: Five Hallmarks of Non-Dualism, Part 1 of 2

Philip Renard: Five Hallmarks of Non-Dualism, Part 1 of 2

All form existing in the world exists in consciousness. All degrees of good and evil, all experience of freedom and lack of it exist entirely in consciousness. ~ Philip Renard

Stillness Speaks is pleased to offer the fifth chapter, Five Hallmarks of Universal Non-dualism, from  Philip Renard’s book Non-Dualism: Eastern Enlightenment in the World of Western Enlightenment which provides an in-depth exploration of non-duality.

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Colors of Infinity: A Wisdom Gallery

Colors of Infinity: A Wisdom Gallery

“In the stillness of the quiet, if we listen, we can hear the whisper of the heart …” ~ Howard Thurman

As we continue celebrating the first anniversary of launching the new Stillness Speaks ! … we offer some of our popular “wisdom nuggets” … so please … read on to discover these “hidden gems” and, may you find, or deepen, the peace within!

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The Ten Thousand Things: Awakening Never Ends

The Ten Thousand Things: Awakening Never Ends

We are lost in a fantasy of separation in which I am “in here” while the world I see—the ten thousand things—is “out there.” It is from that confusion that one awakens. ~ Robert Saltzman

Stillness Speaks is pleased to offer this excerpt, Awakening Never Ends, from Robert Saltzman’s new book, The Ten Thousand Things, which takes a unique and pragmatic look at awakening, free will, self-determination, destiny, choice, and who we really are. This excerpt opens with a question to Robert: as an apparently awake person who is willing to answer questions, what would you say is the most important question to ask?

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Sacred Whirling, Sufism & Advaita, a 5-part Series

Sacred Whirling, Sufism & Advaita, a 5-part Series

“… So the divine level is the one mind, the one consciousness, which is also the same thing as who you are …” ~ Philip Jacobs

This Overview introduces a 5-part interview between Paula Marvelly and Philip Jacobs, resident Sheikh of the London-based Study Society, discussing Advaita, Sufism and the turning ceremony of the whirling dervishes, and in particular the way in which sacred dance can be a direct means for accessing, and becoming one with the Divine. Paula Marvelly is the creator and editor of The Culturium, a magnificent site about Art and Consciousness. Paula was also a former editor of Stillness Speaks.

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Henry Shukman: Zen and the Art… Part 2 of 4

Henry Shukman: Zen and the Art… Part 2 of 4

“The arts of Zen are not intended for utilitarian purposes or for purely aesthetic enjoyment, but are meant to train the mind, indeed, to bring it in contact with ultimate reality.”  ~ D.T Suzuki 

We are pleased to offer part 2 of this 4-part series, Zen and The Art, authored by Zen teacher and poet Henry Shukman, originally published as Zen and the Art, in the Spring 2012 Issue of Tricycle Magazine and also published on the Mountain Cloud Zen Center website.

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Robert Rabbin: Glory

Robert Rabbin: Glory

 “You’ve got to be awake, alert, and ready for anything. If you live in your mind, you will always seek safety and security, finding it in beliefs and dogma, but all the while you will be hiding from life.” ~ Robert Rabbin

Contemporary mystic Robert Rabbin speaks with intimate authority about the fundamental nature of being, reality, and essence.Glory is a poem from Robert’s book,  The Explosive Silence of Meditation, a collection of sutras reflecting “deep reality: the place of Being itself.”

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