Explore: Read

Pir Elias: The Art of Awakening, Part 1 of 2

Pir Elias: The Art of Awakening, Part 1 of 2

“Looking for it, the vision cannot be seen: cease your search … It cannot be accomplished by anything you do … It cannot be found by seeking, so abandon all hope of results …” ~ Shabkar Lama

Pir Elias Amidon explores three significant questions in Part 1 of this 2-part compelling series: If we are in fact already one…what is the point of making a path to go there? How can what is already awake awaken? Who is Seeking? 

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Joan Tollifson: The Simplicity of What Is (Part 5 of 7)

Joan Tollifson: The Simplicity of What Is (Part 5 of 7)

“Liberation isn’t about getting rid of anything; it’s about seeing that the apparent obstacle has no reality and that the “me” who wants to stop thinking is just another mental image, another thought, another movie character in another story.” -Joan Tollifson

Continue Joan Tollifson’s compelling exploration of the Simplicity of What Is in Part 5 of this seven part series.

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Shūsaku Endō’s: Silence

Shūsaku Endō’s: Silence

Be still and know that I am God
“The Lord is in his holy temple:
let all the earth keep silence before him.”
—Habakkuk 2:20

“It is not possible to praise this tale of religious apostasy highly enough for all the themes it explores…”   

Read Paula Marvelly’s compelling explorative review of the 1966 novel of historical fiction, by Shūsaku Endō, Silence

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Ellerby: Remembering Our Sacred Source

Ellerby: Remembering Our Sacred Source

“… All things are made holy in their union with the Sacred …” ~ Jonathan Ellerby

In this post Jonathan reminds us that “… The immeasurable essence of our Sacred Source lives within everyone and connects us to our eternal origin and the fabric of being …”


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Henry Shukman: Addiction to Suffering

Henry Shukman: Addiction to Suffering

Suffering is a system to which we attach ourselves. In a way, that’s OK. If that’s what we choose to do, then so be it. Except in another way it’s not OK, because we suffer. We find it painful.

Is it better to maintain what is in essence an addiction? Read more to find out …

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Exploring Eastern Wisdom’s Relevance for the West: a 9-part series

Exploring Eastern Wisdom’s Relevance for the West: a 9-part series

“You can never get enough of what you don’t need to make you happy.” ~ Eric Hoffer

In its efforts to consolidate and distribute authentic resources for those deeply interested in self inquiry, Stillness Speaks has created a nine part series that focuses on a central question: What was the secret promise held by the East that the West craved so deeply? This nine part series surveys the spiritual revolution, rooted in profound dissatisfaction with the “getting and spending” focus of western culture, that propelled many westerners to travel to the far east for solutions to the emptiness of materialistic culture.

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Introduction: Non-Dualism, Eastern Enlightenment in the World of Western Enlightenment

Introduction: Non-Dualism, Eastern Enlightenment in the World of Western Enlightenment

“Many schools… of these Eastern ways of liberation reached the West as separate movements, each one conveying a message that seems to be different from the other. Investigation based on direct experience reveals that the core of some of these teachings is basically one and the same… “

Stillness Speaks is pleased to offer this comprehensive Introduction to Philip Renard‘s book Non-Dualism: Eastern Enlightenment in the World of Western Enlightenment. The Introduction asks (and answers) the key question: How can non-duality, which precedes and goes beyond all concepts, become the starting point for evaluating events of life, something that indeed is made up of concepts?

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Joan Tollifson: The Simplicity of What Is (Part 4 of 7)

Joan Tollifson: The Simplicity of What Is (Part 4 of 7)

” …enlightenment is the end of the one who cares about being enlightened or unenlightened..” -Joan Tollifson

Whenever there is confusion and seeking, it’s a clue that thought is busy chasing its own tail. Actuality is simple.  Continue Joan Tollifson’s compelling exploration of the Simplicity of What Is in Part 4 of this seven part series.

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Emptiness by Greg Goode (Part 9 of 10)

Emptiness by Greg Goode (Part 9 of 10)

“Experiencing self, other and world as empty is to joyfully experience one’s place in a light, free, open-ended, interpenetrating webwork of relations and dependencies. Lightness and joy come from no longer feeling as though reality has or needs a foundation “ ~ Greg Goode

In Part 9 of this series, Greg continues his overview of emptiness with The Pivotal Step, becoming completely “clear about our conception of inherent existence,” and exploration of The Experience of Emptiness.

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Joan Tollifson: The Simplicity of What Is (Part 3 of 7)

Joan Tollifson: The Simplicity of What Is (Part 3 of 7)

“Notice that everything is constantly changing, and yet, it all happens in this ever-present Here and Now. This timeless immediacy can’t be pinned down, nor can it be avoided.” -Joan Tollifson

Continue Joan Tollifson’s compelling exploration of the Here and Now in Part 3 of this seven part series The Simplicity of What Is.

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Emptiness by Greg Goode (Part 8 of 10)

Emptiness by Greg Goode (Part 8 of 10)

“According to the Buddhist path, one trains to stabilize the attention, abandon harmful actions, take up helpful actions, generate patience and compassion, and meditate on the nature of self and other.” ~ Greg Goode

In Part 8, Greg continues his overview of emptiness with  How to Realize Emptiness.

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Zen and Work: Sanbo Zen (Part 9)

Zen and Work: Sanbo Zen (Part 9)

“Nurturing and supporting “kensho”, realization of the way in Zen, is Sanbo Zen’s primary mission. It may be the only practice dedicated solely to awakening, followed by the complete integration of that direct experience into every aspect of life.

In this final part of our series (Part 9) we learn about Sanbo Zen and its dynamic Abbot Ryoun Yamada Roshi.

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Joan Tollifson: The Simplicity of What Is (Part 2 of 7)

Joan Tollifson: The Simplicity of What Is (Part 2 of 7)

“Reality can’t ever be captured in concepts” -Joan Tollifson

“Is it possible that the peace and well-being we seek…cannot be found or satisfied by answers or attainments or experiences of any kind?”  Continue Joan Tollifson’s exploration of life’s universal questions in Part 2 of this seven part series The Simplicity of What Is.

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Zen: The Birth of Sanbokyodan – Sanbo Zen (Part 8)

Zen: The Birth of Sanbokyodan – Sanbo Zen (Part 8)

“If you are unable to find the truth right where you are, where else do you expect to find it?” ~ Dogen Zenji

In Part 8 of this series, we explore how Sanbokyodan influenced Zen in America … as part of our ongoing exploration of the fundamental question: Is the Eastern Wisdom of India, Tibet and Japan relevant  in contemporary American Culture?

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