Explore: Read

Zen for Troubled Times – Henry Shukman

Zen for Troubled Times – Henry Shukman

Do not follow the ideas of others, but
learn to listen to the voice within yourself.
Your body and mind will become clear,
and you will realize the unity of all things
– Dogen 1200-1253

Zen was born in a time of Crisis. During the Chinese Tang dynasty between 600-900 AD the two great traditions of Buddhism and Taoism fused and became Zen.

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Emptiness by Greg Goode (Part 6 of 10)

Emptiness by Greg Goode (Part 6 of 10)

“…inherent existence is the kind of existence that things do not have. Things actually lack inherent existence, because they exist as dependent arisings.” ~ Greg Goode

In Part 6, Greg continues his overview of emptiness by exploring Inherent Existence and its relationship with emptiness and dependent arising.

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Joan Tollifson: The Simplicity of What Is (Part 1 of 7)

Joan Tollifson: The Simplicity of What Is (Part 1 of 7)

“Ultimate Reality is right here in plain view. It is never hidden, it requires no belief, and it is utterly beyond all doubt.” – Joan Tollifson

“What is life all about? Does it mean anything? Where are we looking for happiness or liberation? Do we have free will? What is enlightenment and how can I get it? …. The thinking mind wants to find answers to these questions.” Joan Tollifson explores these questions in this seven part series.

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Emptiness by Greg Goode (Part 5 of 10)

Emptiness by Greg Goode (Part 5 of 10)

“…we are not separate and independent entities, but rather we exist in dependence on webworks of relations and transactions …” ~ Greg Goode

In Part 5 of this series, Greg continues his overview of emptiness … and explores Emptiness and Dependent Arising, Conventional Existence, and Emptiness Itself is Empty …

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Zen: What are Soto, Rinzai, & Sanbokyodan Schools? (Part 7)

Zen: What are Soto, Rinzai, & Sanbokyodan Schools? (Part 7)

“… the very impermanency of grass and tree, thicket and forest is the Buddha nature …” ~ Dogen

In Part 7 of this series, we consider the emergence of Zen in 20th century – it’s various schools: Soto, Rinzai, and Sanbokyodan … as part of our ongoing exploration of the fundamental question: Is the Eastern Wisdom of India, Tibet and Japan relevant  in contemporary American Culture?

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Dogen Zenji: Zen in Japan (Part 6)

Dogen Zenji: Zen in Japan (Part 6)

“… For Dogen, the miracle {of beyondness or buddha realm} can happen each moment, as each moment of duality is inseparable from a moment of nonduality …” ~ Kaz Tanahashi

In Part 6 of this series, we continue the review of Zen in Japan – through Dogen’s journey of self realization … as part of our ongoing exploration of the fundamental question: Is the Eastern Wisdom of India, Tibet and Japan relevant  in contemporary American Culture?

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Living Fully: Awakening in Our Time with Zen Master Dogen

Living Fully: Awakening in Our Time with Zen Master Dogen

Stillness Speaks is very pleased to announce an upcoming retreat on Zen Master Dogen … co-sponsored with Mountain Cloud Zen Center … in July 2017.

Kaz Tanahashi, renowned Dogen scholar, translator, (and calligrapher) will co-host with Henry Shukman (guiding teacher of Mountain Cloud Zen Center), and possibly one other Zen teacher …

More details coming soon …. so stay tuned!

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Zen in Japan: Dogen Zenji (Part 5)

Zen in Japan: Dogen Zenji (Part 5)

In spring hundreds of flowers, in autumn the clear moon,
In summer a cool breeze, and in winter the white snow,
if your mind is free of vanity, then every season is fine.”

In Part 5 of this series, we delve into the mystery and promise of Zen, particularly Zen in Japan … as we continue to explore the fundamental question: Is the Eastern Wisdom of India, Tibet and Japan relevant  in contemporary American Culture?

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Pir Elias: Meditations on Nondual Awakening

Pir Elias: Meditations on Nondual Awakening

“Open now into the clear presence of this moment … silent and open …” ~ Elias Amidon

Free Medicine – Meditations on Nondual Awakening, is a recently published book by a “soon to be added” teacher: Pir Elias Amidon. Connie Shaw, the publisher, graciously offered 3 chapters, as a PDF, for free download in this post.

“… This book is a companion for those whose deepest desire is to experience first-hand the good news at the heart of reality … it’s revealed in the ceaseless spontaneity of the present moment …”

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