Explore: Read

Rumi: Discernment and Surrender

Rumi: Discernment and Surrender

You said, “Who’s at the door?”
I said. “Your slave.”

You said, “What do you want?”
I said. “To see you and bow.”

“You said, “Who did you come with?”
The majestic imagination you gave me.”

Enjoy Rumi’s entire poem “Talk through the door” …

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Henry Shukman: Koan Training in the West

Henry Shukman: Koan Training in the West

“… Understanding “self” as a “sensorium” constructed from several channels of experience, and seeing through the illusion … seeing through to Zero, the fundamental infinite-empty-oneness of self and world, space and time …” Henry Shukman

Henry writes a message in Mountain Cloud Zen Center’s weekly newsletter. This post is his message from the January 24, 2017 weekly Newsletter …

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Emptiness by Greg Goode (Part 1 of 10)

Emptiness by Greg Goode (Part 1 of 10)

“Finding the absence of the inherently existent self is realizing the emptiness of the self.” ~ Greg Goode

A comprehensive overview of the Indo-Tibetan approach to Prasangika Madhyamaka …

In this 10-part seriesGreg takes us on a deep dive into emptiness … in this Part 1 he gives us an overview of the series and addresses the question: Why Emptiness?


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Pir Elias: Acceptance, Silence, Awe, & More …

Pir Elias: Acceptance, Silence, Awe, & More …

“… accept things exactly as they are, including your wanting them to be different. In that acceptance, a way forward is gently given …” ~ Pir Elias

In this beautiful and profound post, guest author, Pir Elias Amidon, shares some “suggestions and aphorisms” on acceptance, silence, awe, and more … his teacher page will be coming soon.


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Many Roads to Awakening or Here/Now (Part 3 of 3)

Many Roads to Awakening or Here/Now (Part 3 of 3)

“The ever-present, ever-changing, nonconceptual actuality of the present moment is effortlessly presenting itself right now. Here / Now is the boundlessness that has no opposite and no other. This is it.” ~ Joan Tollifson

In this concluding Part of the 3-part series, guest author, Joan Tollifson continues her exploration of the “many roads to Here / Now” … and shares additional “roads” like “devotion” or “doing” and more … enjoy! …

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Greg Goode: After Awareness – The End of the Path

Greg Goode: After Awareness – The End of the Path

The direct path, taught by Shri Atmananda Krishna Menon, is “a way of reaching lasting love and happiness undisturbed by conditions.”

We are delighted to introduce Greg Goode’s latest book: After Awareness – The End of the Path … he has also graciously provided the books’ summary for free download in this post.

In Greg’s own words: “This book discusses aspects of the direct path that are rarely if ever written down…. In this book I’m not giving pointers or exercises to assist in nondual realization. Rather, I wish to provide a look at the inner workings of the direct path, to show how the machinery does its work …

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Many Roads to Awakening or Here/Now (Part 2 of 3)

Many Roads to Awakening or Here/Now (Part 2 of 3)

“… we are not a discrete unit of consciousness encapsulated inside a body, but that the body, the mind, and this whole universe is in this aware space that is what “I” truly am … Awareness is boundless. It has no location, no owner … all experiences appear within it. Awareness beholds it all … is not separate from what appears within it … is the very substance or nature of what appears …” ~ Joan Tollifson

In this Part 2 of the 3-part series, guest author Joan Tollifson continues her exploration of the “many roads to Here / Now” or awakening … and shares some more “roads”enjoy!

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Rumi: Trusting The Universe – Fear or Blessing?

Rumi: Trusting The Universe – Fear or Blessing?

Invariably or maybe inevitably, themes, or principles, like “Trust the universe” … or … “let go” … or … “allow it to happen” … are encountered in the journey of self discovery, the journey where discovering one’s True Nature is the primary yearning … the exquisite, endless, paradoxical journey of self realization. Incorporating, or integrating, or living with such trust in one’s life is considered by many sages to be one of the signs of spiritual maturity.

Enjoy what Rumi has to say about this …

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Many Roads to Awakening or Here/Now (Part 1 of 3)

Many Roads to Awakening or Here/Now (Part 1 of 3)

“The ever-present, ever-changing, nonconceptual actuality of the present moment is effortlessly presenting itself right now. This bare being is nondual, undivided, boundless, and without obstruction. … ”  ~ Joan Tollifson

In Part 1 of this 3 part series guest author, Joan Tollifson, explores the different approaches to awakening or waking up … or in her words, the “… many different roads to Here / Now …”


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Rumi: The Moment …

Rumi: The Moment …

This world is a moment,
a pouring that refreshes and renews itself …

Happy New Year dear Stillness Speaks community …

May this year be filled with continuous sparks of joy, peace and contentment !

Enjoy the above full Rumi poem and more …

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2016 Review And A Glimpse Of 2017

2016 Review And A Glimpse Of 2017

“Gratitude takes nothing for granted, is never unresponsive, is constantly awakening to new wonder.” ~ Thomas Merton

We are filled with gratitude to be serving the Stillness Speaks community … and deeply appreciate your support through donations and your ongoing engagements with Stillness Speaks content … Stillness Speaks is a thriving and growing community because of you !

It makes our hearts sing to be reflecting on, and writing, this “2016 chapter” of the Stillness Speaks “story” … of our ongoing commitment to serve in a way that helps us all “awaken from our illusion of separateness.”

To find out what we have accomplished with your support and what we intend to do, please continue reading …

Happy Holidays! … and may the light continue to illuminate your journey.

with deep gratitude,
Chris & Sanjiv & Cherie

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Robert Rabbin’s Message of Peace

Robert Rabbin’s Message of Peace

“Light a sacred fire for peace” ~ Pujas For Peace

Earlier this week, we posted a prayer for peace as part of our small addition to the “energy of peace” for the planet. Synchronistically, through our dear friend, Robert Rabbin, we found Pujas For Peace – an organization with a positive vision that is calling “… all people and communities around the world to come together {on New Year’s Eve 2016} around a sacred fire in prayer and meditation to bring peace …”

Enjoy Robert’s message of peace (video) as part of his commitment to Pujas For Peace …

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Prayer For Peace

Prayer For Peace

“The first peace … comes within the souls of people when they realize … their oneness, with the universe … and when they realize that at the center of the universe dwells Wakan-Tanka (“The Great Mystery”), and that this center is really everywhere, it is within each of us.” ~ Black Elk

Adorable presence,

Thou who art within and without,
above and below and all around,

Thou who art interpenetrating
every cell of my being

Read the full poem to pray for peace and deepen your peace within …

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Newsletter : What is   Stand With Standing Rock?

Newsletter : What is Stand With Standing Rock?

Click here for the newsletter dedicated to Stand With Standing Rock movement …. this movement has to do with saving Native American sacred lands and keeping water clean for 17 million people throughout America … also, learn its history, current state-of-affairs, how to stay informed about it … AND most importantly how to help ensure its success …

Click here for the ongoing news about Stand With Standing Rock.

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Standing Rock: Spiritually Grounded Social Engagement

Standing Rock: Spiritually Grounded Social Engagement

“Mni Wiconi … Water is Life” ~ Standing Rock’s Call to Solidarity

Since April 2016, people from all over America, and other parts of the world, have gathered at Standing Rock – in solidarity – to stop the Dakota Access pipeline thereby protecting the water and their sacred land …

Chris visited Oceti Sakowin Camp at Standing Rock over the Thanksgiving weekend and shares his thoughts from that short trip.

Stillness Speaks Stands With Standing Rock: we will dedicate our next newsletter to supporting this most important matter by providing it’s history, the impact of the Dakota Pipeline, current happenings at the Standing Rock community, how to keep up with the ongoing developments, how to participate, especially ALL the various ways to help and contribute (e.g., to Oceti Sakowin campto Stand with Standing Rock and to petition President Obama) … so please stay tuned!

UPDATE: Nov 30, 2016: Here’s the newsletter.

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Be Thankful

Be Thankful

“There is a calmness to a life lived in gratitude, a quiet joy.” ~ Ralph Blum

Be thankful that you don’t already have everything you desire,
If you did, what would there be to look forward to?

Read the full poem to deepen your gratitude …

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