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Sacred Whirling, Sufism & Advaita (Part 2 of 5)

Sacred Whirling, Sufism & Advaita (Part 2 of 5)

In Part 2 of this series, Paula Marvelly and Philip Jacobs, resident Sheikh of the London-based Study Society, continue their conversation on Advaita, Sufism and the turning ceremony of the whirling dervishes … this part largely focuses on the “turning ceremony” with some comments on Advaita and Sufism …

Enjoy Part 2 of this 5-part exploration …

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Sacred Whirling, Sufism & Advaita (Part 1 of 5)

Sacred Whirling, Sufism & Advaita (Part 1 of 5)

Paula Marvelly converses with Philip Jacobs, resident Sheikh of the London-based Study Society, about Advaita, Sufism and the turning ceremony of the whirling dervishes, particularly about the way in which sacred dance can be a direct means for accessing, and becoming one with, the Divine.

Paula is ex Editor of Stillness Speaks and current Editor & Creator of The Culturium and Philip is resident Sheikh of the London-based Study Society.

Enjoy Part 1 of this 5-part series …

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Donald Hoffman : Is Consciousness Ultimate Reality? 

Donald Hoffman : Is Consciousness Ultimate Reality? 

Robert Lawrence Kuhn, host of the insightful PBS show, Closer To Truth, converses with Donald Hoffman, a cognitive scientist and psychologist, about:

“Is consciousness deepest reality, the ground of being of the cosmos? If the question is “What brought all into existence?” the answer is “Consciousness”. Some say this is a ‘cosmic consciousness’ of which our personal consciousness is a small part. Others, that the ultimate consciousness is God. Others, that consciousness and cosmos are both deep reality.”


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Robert Thurman: Visionary Buddhist Leader & Scholar

Robert Thurman: Visionary Buddhist Leader & Scholar

“Imagine a culture in which everything is geared toward helping all individuals become the best human beings they can be; in which individuals are driven to devoting their lives to becoming enlightened by the natural flood of compassion for others that arises from their wisdom …” ~ Robert Thurman

Stillness Speaks is honored to add Robert Thurman to the list of our teachers… You can explore his videosarticles, books, audios … and more.

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Robert Rabbin: When Mind Falls Into Silence

Robert Rabbin: When Mind Falls Into Silence

“A tremendous ‘knowing’ comes effortlessly into the mind when it falls into Silence, …  When we allow this knowing into our minds, our very lives become as clear and startling as this knowing.” ~ Robert Rabbin

Robert’s Teacher page, which will be added shortly … and as is typical of our Teacher pages, it will provide a much more comprehensive view about Robert’s background, and work.

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What are the Great Mysteries of Tibet & Nepal? (Part 3)

What are the Great Mysteries of Tibet & Nepal? (Part 3)

“I feel Tibetan culture with its unique heritage…has developed a kind of energy which is very helpful for cultivating peace of mind and a joyful life….There is a potential for Tibet to help humanity, … I feel very strongly that Tibetan culture will have a role to play in the future …” ~ His Holiness the Dalai Lama

This is the continuation of our multi-part series that is exploring whether the Eastern Wisdom traditions remain relevant in contemporary Western Society …

In Part 3 of this series we address the question: What are the Great Mysteries of Tibet & Nepal?

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Gangaji: Recognize The Peace That Is Already Here

Gangaji: Recognize The Peace That Is Already Here

“Whether you are searching for peace and happiness in a relationship, in a better job, or even in world peace, just for one moment stop absolutely. There is nothing wrong with these pursuits, but if you are engaging in them to get peace or to get happiness, you are overlooking the ground of peace that is already here. …”  ~ Gangaji

Excerpts are from her book: The Diamond in Your Pocket: Discovering Your True Radiance.
Visit Gangaji’s Teacher Page and explore more of her books and videos in our library.

For the entire post, please …

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Robert Rabbin: Dialog on Death and Integrity of Being

Robert Rabbin: Dialog on Death and Integrity of Being

Robert Rabbin, a contemporary mystic who lived with Swami Muktananda for 10 years, was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer – in January 2012 – and given only a few months to live. He recovered fully in early 2016 to begin a new phase of life … and he now says: “Yes, I am thriving well past the use-by date predicted by doctors, owing to my contrarian nature and who knows what else …”

Back in 2012, Chris Hebard conversed with Robert – during his formal cancer treatment at Cedar Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles – about the timeless topics of death and integrity of being …

We hope you find it meaningful and insightful even today, ~4 years later!

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Thomas Merton: The Solitude I Am

Thomas Merton: The Solitude I Am

“Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time.” ~ Thomas Merton

Thomas Merton was a modern Catholic mystic. In his widely read biography, The Seven Storey Mountain, Merton explained that he was so drawn to God that he could no more deny its pull any more than he could deny his identity. His greatest wisdom was the discovery that they were one and the same.

Was Thomas a Nondual Christian Mystic? … we’ll explore that in a future post after we add Thomas’ Teacher page and also Traditions page for Christianity.

Meantime, enjoy one of his poems, and see two short videos (1st is a tribute and 2nd is Richard Rohr on Thomas) on this great Christian mystic who discovered the deepest secret.

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