Explore: Read

Francis Lucille on Love

Francis Lucille on Love

“Love flies on its own wings and knows no laws. It is the emergence of grace that wrests us from the hypnosis of separation.”

That is an excerpt from Francis Lucille‘s remarks on Love … Francis is a teacher in the advaita or nonduality tradition and he “… transmits the ancient teaching of nonduality, the common ground of Advaita Vedanta, Ch’an Buddhism, Zen, Taoism and Sufism.”

Enjoy this 2-page free downloadable PDF : Love in the Other.

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Rupert Spira: What Am I?

Rupert Spira: What Am I?

“I am the one that sees whatever is seen but I am not made out of anything that is seen.
I am the one that hears whatever is heard but I am not made of anything that is heard.

Rupert Spira shares a beautiful meditation on the nature of experience and answers the question “What Am I?”

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Enticing Moves: Poem by Nirmala

Enticing Moves: Poem by Nirmala

“What is appealing about Nirmala is his humility and lack of pretense, which welcomes whatever arises within the field of experience. In the midst of this welcoming is always an invitation to inquire deeply within, to the core of who and what you are. Again and again, Nirmala points the questions back to the questioner and beyond to the very source of existence itself-to the faceless awareness that holds both the question and the questioner in a timeless embrace.” ~ Adyashanti

Enjoy Nirmala’s profound “.. love affair with truth …” through this poem … his specific teachers page is coming soon.

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Truth Will Set You Free: Time Does Not Exist (Part 2 of 2)

Truth Will Set You Free: Time Does Not Exist (Part 2 of 2)

Guest author, Hans Meijer explores the subject of time and posits that “Time does not exist.” … He makes the case that “… there is only NOW – in which all that is manifested appeared, changes and disappears …” … and that “… existence is fundamentally connected with the eternal now, the timeless” – something that was directly realized by beings such as Buddha.

Enjoy Part 2 of this fascinating exploration  …

Click here for Part 1 of this 2-part series.

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Majesty: Presence That Abides – Rumi

Majesty: Presence That Abides – Rumi

“Majesty is that, composite attention felt as a presence, dawn, a company of friends, a splendor that is prior to, and the source of, the universe. Rumi says it is a state of awareness best spoken of in terms of what it is not …” ~ Coleman Barks

Here’s Rumi on Majesty … reminding us of This that we have – now! … brought to us by Coleman Barks …

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Truth Will Set You Free: Time Does Not Exist (Part 1 of 2)

Truth Will Set You Free: Time Does Not Exist (Part 1 of 2)

Guest author, Hans Meijer explores the subject of time and posits that “Time does not exist.” … He makes the case that “… there is only NOW – in which all that is manifested appeared, changes and disappears …” … and that “… existence is fundamentally connected with the eternal now, the timeless” – something that was directly realized by beings such as Buddha.

Enjoy this fascinating exploration  …

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The Intelligence Manifested In Nature

The Intelligence Manifested In Nature

“It is enough for me to contemplate the mystery of conscious life …

perpetuating itself through all eternity,
to reflect upon the marvelous structure of the
universe which we dimly perceive,
to try humbly to comprehend

an infinitesimal part of the intelligence manifested in nature.”
  ~ Albert Einstein

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Paul Hedderman: Addiction, Recovery, & Spiritual Awakening

Paul Hedderman: Addiction, Recovery, & Spiritual Awakening

What does addiction have to do with non-duality … or spiritual awakening?   In actuality, a lot.

Paul Hedderman’s expression is unique to him; it is alive, vital and fresh. His sense of humor is infectious. But that is not all.  

Paul has been in recovery, having a dark and sordid past history with drugs and alcohol. Click here to watch our first video clip with Paul Hedderman and to discover the connection between addiction and non-duality or addiction and spiritual awakening.

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Zen Practice – Henry Shukman

Zen Practice – Henry Shukman

“At its best Zen leads us out of the hell of self-obsession, by showing us that what we took to be the seat of our self was a chimera, a mirage. … when we really follow the guidance and wisdom enshrined in the heart of the tradition, instead, we are released from mistaken views, and find a great life that holds us; and we are one with all creation in that holding.” 

From one of Henry Shukman’s weekly message for Mountain Cloud Zen Center.

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