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Hakim Sanai: The Walled Garden of Truth

Hakim Sanai: The Walled Garden of Truth

Rumi acknowledged Hakim Sanai and Attar as his two primary inspirations, saying, "Attar is the soul and Sanai its two eyes, I came after Sanai and Attar." Sanai wrote an enormous quantity of mystical verse, of which From The Walled Garden of Truth or The Hadiqat al...

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Chuck Surface: Playing by “Heart”

Chuck Surface: Playing by “Heart”

Chuck Surface remembers the path from playing by ear, to Playing by Heart. Forgive me, my schooled friends. I make no excuses, and offer no apologies. I’m too drunk, lazy, and stupid, And can’t lift myself up and study. Here… in the arms of Bliss. Click here to join Chuck in words written from the Heart.

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The Nondual Wisdom of Karlfried Graf Durckheim

The Nondual Wisdom of Karlfried Graf Durckheim

Becoming Transparent to the Transcendent:  Karlfried Graf Durckhein While visiting with Francis Lucille during his retreat outside of Munich, Germany this summer, he stunned me with a quote from Karlfield Graf Durckheim, the German diplomat, psychotherapist, Zen "master" and deeply enchanting Christian mystic. Enjoyed by Jean Klein, Graf died in 1988 at the age of 92. "Suddenly it happened! I was listening and lightning went through me. The veil was torn asunder, I was awake! I had just experienced 'It'. Everything existed and nothing existed. Another Reality had broken through this world. I myself existed and did not exist…" "I had experienced that which is spoken of in all centuries: individuals, in whatever stage of their lives, have had an experience which struck them with the force of lightning and linked them once and for all to the circuits of True Life." Click here to see a rare video of Karlfried Graf Durckheim and to download a free and rich biography regarding his work, entitled "Becoming Real."

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Atmananda Krishna Menon’s Teachings

Atmananda Krishna Menon’s Teachings

"By reducing objects into consciousness or happiness, you come only to the brink of experience. Reduce them further into the 'I' principle; then,'it', the object, and 'you', the subject, both merge into experience itself. Thus, when you find that what you see is only...

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Rumi’s  Magnificent Gift: Who am I?

Rumi’s Magnificent Gift: Who am I?

I am not of this world, nor of the next, nor of Paradise, nor of Hell;
I am not of Adam, nor of Eve, nor of Eden and Rizwãn.

My place is the Placeless, my trace is the Traceless;
‘Tis neither body nor soul, for I belong to the soul of the Beloved.
~ Rumi

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How did the Universe come into Existence?

How did the Universe come into Existence?

How did the Universe come into Existence? Direct experience must be the sole test of reality.  This being true, then, every presumption or conclusion should be subjected to the examination of our direct experience to validate it. For instance, let's examine the presumption that the universe existed before our experience of it.  What evidence would there be of such a universe? Join Rupert Spira by clicking here to explore our investigation into the common belief that the Universe existed before us. Please take your time with this entry.

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What is Truth: The Gospel of Thomas

What is Truth: The Gospel of Thomas

Let's examine The Gospel of Thomas with Rev. Will Newsom. Exactly, what do we mean when we say that something is true? If something is true, it would have to be absolute, wouldn’t it? What would truth be other than that which never changes? If it changes, could it be...

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Steven Harrison: Contemporary Non-Duality

Steven Harrison: Contemporary Non-Duality

"We are terrified by the understanding that we are actually the universe. We are the power,the glory, the wisdom, the everything." ~ Steven Harrison In our last survey, some subscribers asked that we review Steven Harrison. We had wanted to do something with him for...

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Jean Klein: The Book of Listening

Jean Klein: The Book of Listening

Many know that Jean Klein is regarded as one of the most eloquent communicators of non-duality to the West - in the second half of the 20th century. The striking thing about Dr. Klein is his independence. Jean teaches Advaita but he rarely uses its technical terms. In...

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Who are You? Let Papaji Help

Who are You? Let Papaji Help

You really do want to know the answer ...  Here are some words from Papaji, resonating, reverberating, cajoling, teasing, "Come Forward. Come out. Emerge ..." - excerpted from "The Truth Is, Papaji Sri H.W. L. Poonja," Pages 25-27. Self is what you are, You are That...

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