in-depth book previews with chapter excerpts

Unlock Living Power Of Seeing Clearly? Illumination Rebecca Li

Unlock Living Power Of Seeing Clearly? Illumination Rebecca Li

“… The mind becomes still as we are no longer agitating the mind with habitual reactivity to the present moment. With this clarity and stillness, we are more able to see that in every moment there is a choice for us to not perpetuate the habit of suffering. …” ~ Rebecca Li

Order & Li: What & Why Important? Alan Watts Taoist Ways

Order & Li: What & Why Important? Alan Watts Taoist Ways

“… The tao is a certain kind of order, and this kind of order is not quite what we call order … when you look at a plant it is perfectly obvious that the plant has order  … In the Chinese language this is called li …” ~ Alan Watts

Zen Is Right Now – Suzuki Roshi

Zen Is Right Now – Suzuki Roshi

“… Zen is not some fancy, special art of living. Our teaching is just to live, always in reality, in its exact sense. To make our effort, moment after moment, is our way …” ~ Suzuki Roshi

Relationship: More On Zen by Norman Fischer

Relationship: More On Zen by Norman Fischer

“… The most important thing is coming back to presence every day, back to the breath, to sitting, walking, and standing, and remembering that this is what we are …” ~ Norman Fischer

When You Greet Me I Bow

When You Greet Me I Bow

“… simply being together with warmhearted kindness, dropping story lines, and appreciating each other’s profound human presence is the whole of the teaching …” ~ Norman Fischer

Inquiry Continued … Book Excerpt Dominic Liber

Inquiry Continued … Book Excerpt Dominic Liber

By encouraging you to remain with your experience, whatever it is, {Dominic} takes you gently and gradually to deeper levels of your psyche and finally to the very presence of your spiritual nature …” ~ A. H. Almaas

The Diamond Inquiry – Book Excerpt Dominic Liber

The Diamond Inquiry – Book Excerpt Dominic Liber

Diamond “… inquiry is just like scuba diving in the ocean of your inner world. It is as utterly thrilling as lowering yourself into a coral reef or an underwater cave to discover …”  ~ Dominic C. Liber

The Diamond Approach – John Davis

The Diamond Approach – John Davis

“… The Diamond Approach invites us to live in a way that both reflects and develops wisdom, love, joy … stillness, … trust, gratitude, and an unrelenting engagement with what is …” ~ John Davis



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