
Richard Rohr

Saturday, September 9th, 2017

How God as Trinity Dissolves Racism, Richard Rohr

Friday, September 8th, 2017

Richard Rohr talks about current times of division, intolerance, political strife and deep racism. Like much of our nation, I’ve been doing substantial soul-searching to seek understanding about my own actions, beliefs, and behaviors, as well as the systemic patterns that write collective actions, beliefs, and behaviors in quite large letters across our society. What […]

Transgression, Richard Rohr

Friday, September 8th, 2017

This article by Fr Richard Rohr is about sin, failing, and transgression which are redeemed by mercy, love and forgiveness — the heart of Christianity and all spiritual systems. From the article…. What is sometimes called the “myth of transgression” has been seen to operate on many levels: social, psychological, legal, and literary. Our interest […]

Silence: Moral Ambiguity and Faith, Richard Rohr

Friday, September 8th, 2017

“…faith cannot be understood or lived without hope and love, hope cannot be understood or lived without love and faith, and love cannot be understood or lived without faith and hope. You might need to read that several times because your mind should be spinning, just as it spins while watching scene after scene in […]

Adam’s Return: The Five Promises of Male Initiation

Friday, September 8th, 2017

Based on decades of work, travel, and experience, Richard Rohr, a Franciscan brother and best-selling author, unearths the complexities of male spiritual maturation and helps us to understand the importance of male initiation rights in both culture and the church.
