Falling Upward: A Spirituality for the Two Halves of Life

Sunday, August 20th, 2017

In Falling Upward, Fr. Richard Rohr seeks to help readers understand the tasks of the two halves of life and to show them that those who have fallen, failed, or “gone down” are the only ones who understand “up.” Most of us tend to think of the second half of life as largely about getting […]

Living in Deep Time

Tuesday, August 8th, 2017

Men of all ages say Richard Rohr has given them a new way in to spiritual depth and religious thought — through his writing and retreats. This conversation with the Franciscan spiritual teacher delves into the expansive scope of his ideas: male formation and what he calls “father hunger”; why contemplation is as magnetic to […]

Contemplative Prayer

Saturday, July 1st, 2017

Fr. Richard Rohr shares his wisdom and understand of Contemplative prayer. He explores a different way of seeing, or a different starting point that contemplative transformation offers…. “The contemplative mind is the most absolute assault on the secular world view that you can have, because it really is a different mind.” “The word prayer in […]
