The Sixth Sense

Thursday, March 23rd, 2017

“For the last couple of decades, Sheldrake has been conducting a number of scientific studies, resulting in astounding evidence that his hypothesis is, in fact, true. Moreover, it turns out that telepathy – a phenomenon which Sheldrake also explains with morphic fields, happens much more often than previously assumed. In scientific tests with telephone calls, […]

Waking, Dreaming and Being

Saturday, March 18th, 2017

“This talk weaves together findings at the forefront of neuroscience and philosophy of mind with insights from thousands-year-old contemplative traditions to offer a unique perspective on questions of consciousness and the self.” Quoted text and video are from Talks at Google YouTube Channel

Physical Healing and Emotional Well-being

Saturday, March 18th, 2017

Deepak Chopra discusses “how we can be liberated from stress, burn out, depression, immune dysfunction, relationship pressures and other emotional and physical illnesses.” Quoted text and video are from DartingtonTV YouTube Channel.

Understanding The Path To Enlightenment

Friday, March 17th, 2017

“Ayurvedic Expert Dr Suhas Kshirsagar and Deepak Chopra discuss obstacles and means to Enlightenment from the point of view of Vedanta and Ayurveda.”  Quoted text and video are from The Chopra Well YouTube Channel

Steps to an Embodied Cognitive Science of Mindfulness

Wednesday, March 1st, 2017

“Neuroscience typically conceptualizes mindfulness as inner observation of a private mental realm of thoughts, feelings, and body sensations, and models mindfulness as a process occurring in the brain, visible in part through neuroimaging tools. This approach, however, is inadequate for two reasons. First, there is likely to be no one-one mapping between neural networks and […]
