The Other Side of Death – Amidon

Wednesday, May 6th, 2020

“… As Ramana Maharshi testifies, we don’t have to wait until death to recognize the Immutable Light that is our original nature …” ~ Elias Amidon

Rumi: The Book of Love: Poems of Ecstasy and Longing

Wednesday, April 15th, 2020

The Sufi mystic and poet Jalaluddin Rumi is most beloved for his poems expressing the ecstasies and mysteries of love in all its forms—erotic, platonic, divine—and Coleman Barks presents the best of them in this delightful and inspiring collection. Rendered with freshness, intensity, and beauty as Barks alone can do, these startling and rich poems […]

Continued Gratitude & Usual Wednesday Post Delayed …

Wednesday, April 15th, 2020

“… Everything you see tells the story of God. Look at it. God is out spread, filling the entire universe. So look. You exist in a form. God is without form. You are the visible example, the sun. God is the light within the sun.” ~ Bawa Muhaiyaddeen

Seven Advices – Humanity’s Highest Sentiment: Rumi

Wednesday, April 8th, 2020

“… In compassion and grace: be like the sun …” ~ Rumi

The Hidden Treasure Is In Me – Kaygusuz Abdal

Wednesday, March 11th, 2020

“… I am the infinite and the eternal. The hidden treasure is in me …” ~ Kaygusuz Abdal
