Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee: Reclaiming the Inner Worlds

Friday, October 11th, 2019

An awareness of the inner worlds is an essential part of our human heritage—those worlds that are invisible to our physical sight, but exist in other dimensions of reality. However, this awareness has been censored by rational consciousness and our present culture. This talk explores our need to reclaim our connection to these realities, to […]

Beloved: You are This – Munajat by Amidon

Monday, September 30th, 2019

“… closer than now where everything happens, you, my beloved, are this … “ ~ Pir Elias Amidon

Ten Poems to Change Your Life

Sunday, August 11th, 2019

In this powerful book, Roger Housden harnesses the unique ability of poetry to touch the reader’s inner-most feelings. For everyone who knows there is more to life than they are currently experiencing, it aims to bring an awakening…Through the voices of ten very individual poets, Housden directs each of us to examine the universal themes […]

The Kabir Book: Forty-Four of the Ecstatic Poems of Kabir

Saturday, August 10th, 2019

Forty-four of the Ecstatic Poems of Kabir “Kabir’s poems give off a marvelous radiant intensity. . . . Bly’s versions . . . have exactly the luminous depth that permits and invites many rereadings, many studyings-even then they remain as fresh as ever.” -The New York Times Book Review Image: From the Amazon page of […]

Laughing … Fresh as the Dawn – Rumi

Monday, July 29th, 2019

“… You laugh fresh as the dawn where did you spend last night? …” ~ Rumi
