Munajat: Pretend That You & I are Two : Elias Amidon

Monday, April 8th, 2019

“… Now that the dawn has come so gently … my quiet soul … warms its wings in the morning light … “ ~ Pir Elias Amidon

Islamic Mystical Poetry: Sufi Verse from the early Mystics to Rumi (Penguin Classics)

Monday, March 25th, 2019

Written from the ninth to the twentieth century, these poems represent the peak of Islamic Mystical writing, from Rabia Basri to Mian Mohammad Baksh. Reflecting both private devotional love and the attempt to attain union with God and become absorbed into the Divine, many poems in this edition are imbued with the symbols and metaphors […]

Heart Centered Awareness – Hafiz

Monday, March 25th, 2019

“… Beauty yearned to see itself; It turned to man to sing its praise… ~ Hafiz

Aksarayi Seyh Ibrahim Efendi: The Sufi Way

Monday, February 18th, 2019

“… They say it is to burn up in Love’s fire — The Sufi way is to be utterly inflamed with the light of the Beloved …” ~ Aksarayi Şeyh İbrahim Efendi (Dervish of Turkey)

Quarreling with God: Mystic Rebel Poems of the Dervishes of Turkey

Monday, February 18th, 2019

This collection presents, for the first time in English, a compilation of seven centuries of the mystic hymns of Turkey’s rebellious Sufi poets. At the time Rumi was writing in ancient Anatolia, many other great mystics in the region were also composing wild, ecstatic, and controversial poems that were shared among the people as spiritual […]
