Love: Life’s greatest Gift

Wednesday, October 11th, 2017

First published in Common Ground, February 2017 by Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee “All of us want, or need, to be loved. The need for love is one of the most basic human impulses. We may cover this need with patterns of self-protection or images of self-reliance. Or we may openly acknowledge this need to ourself or to […]

The Bond with the Beloved: The Inner Relationship of the Lover and the Beloved

Monday, October 9th, 2017

Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee’s original work of integrating Sufism, Jungian psychology, and dreamwork, which provides a detailed description of the inner stages of the mystical path, states of meditation, and how to integrate these inner transformations into everyday life. Different from any other book in its placing of the mystical relationship of lover and beloved at the […]

For Love of the Real: A Story of Life’s Mystical Secret

Monday, October 9th, 2017

At the root of every mystical calling is the search for what is Real; this book follows this call, detailing the inner journey to Absolute Truth. Readers are guided through traditional experiences of the path—emptiness and the void, oneness, and communion with nature. Particular direction is given for how contemporary seekers can—and must—engage with challenges […]

Fragments of a Love Story: Reflections on the Life of a Mystic

Monday, October 9th, 2017

Describing the heartache, confusion and passionate love that belong to the mystical journey, this series of personal writings explores a central paradox: what belongs to the individual who makes this journey, and what belongs to God? This primary question is discussed in detail, drawing from the author’s own experiences and the context of the Sufi […]

The Face Before I Was Born: A Spiritual Autobiography

Monday, October 9th, 2017

Describing the intoxicating intensity of his own spiritual journey—which began when he was 16 years old—this autobiography reveals the events that followed throughout the next 22 years: tremendous love, psychological breakdown, craziness, bliss, and the slow work of balancing the inner world of the spirit and the outer demands of everyday life. An ancient story […]
