Pir Elias: Acceptance, Silence, Awe, & More …

Saturday, January 28th, 2017

“… accept things exactly as they are, including your wanting them to be different. In that acceptance, a way forward is gently given …” ~ Pir Elias

In this beautiful and profound post, guest author, Pir Elias Amidon, shares some “suggestions and aphorisms” on acceptance, silence, awe, and more … his teacher page will be coming soon.


Rumi: Trusting The Universe – Fear or Blessing?

Saturday, January 14th, 2017

Invariably or maybe inevitably, themes, or principles, like “Trust the universe” … or … “let go” … or … “allow it to happen” … are encountered in the journey of self discovery, the journey where discovering one’s True Nature is the primary yearning … the exquisite, endless, paradoxical journey of self realization. Incorporating, or integrating, or living with such trust in one’s life is considered by many sages to be one of the signs of spiritual maturity.

Enjoy what Rumi has to say about this …

Rumi: The Moment …

Sunday, January 1st, 2017

This world is a moment,
a pouring that refreshes and renews itself …

Happy New Year dear Stillness Speaks community …

May this year be filled with continuous sparks of joy, peace and contentment !

Enjoy the above full Rumi poem and more …

Rumi: The Path of Love

Monday, November 7th, 2016

“In Rumi’s poetry, love is the soul of the universe, and the soul knows no bounds … it embraces all people, all countries, and all religions … The goal of Sufism is to know love in all of its glorious forms : and every prophet, every practice, and every form of worship that leads toward love is, in essence, Sufism …” ~ Jonathan Star

Enjoy Ibn Arabi (a sufi philosopher) on Sufism’s “religion of love” … and Rumi’s embracing of “… all people, all countries, and all religions…” … 

A Garden Beyond Paradise: The Mystical Poetry of Rumi

Monday, November 7th, 2016

A Book of Rumi translations by Jonathan Star and Shahram Shiva.
