Rumi: Chinese Art And Greek Art

Monday, October 31st, 2016

“… Art gives a teasing taste of surrender without the full experience. Beautiful poetry can keep one on the verge of the oceanic annihilation in God. Rumi says, we’ve been walking in the surf holding our robes up, when we should be diving naked under, and deeper under.” 

That is part of Coleman Barks’ contextual prose for the chapter titled : Art as Flirtation with Surrender … indeed in this poem (from that chapter) Rumi gives us a taste of this “surrender” – deeper and deeper … as “practiced” by the Greeks, who are like Sufis, in this regard! … here’s a taste:

The Greek art is the Sufi way.
They don’t study books of philosophical thought.

They make their loving clearer and clearer.
No wantings, no anger. In that purity
they receive and reflect the images of every moment,
from here, from the stars, from the void.

Enjoy … the full poem by clicking …

Rumi: Community Of The Spirit

Wednesday, October 19th, 2016

There is a community of the spirit.
Join it, and feel the delight
of walking in the noisy street
and being the noise. … 

Enjoy Rumi’s full poem by clicking read more below …

Also, visit  Poetry and Consciousness for more …

Sacred Whirling, Sufism & Advaita (Part 5 of 5)

Sunday, October 16th, 2016

“… So the divine level is the one mind, the one consciousness, which is also the same thing as who you are …” ~ Philip Jacobs

In the concluding Part 5 of this series, Paula Marvelly and Philip Jacobs, resident Sheikh of the London-based Study Society, continue their conversation on Advaita, Sufism and the turning ceremony of the whirling dervishes …in this final part 5 he takes us deeper into oneness …

Enjoy the conclusion of this 5-part exploration …

Rumi: The Laziest Son …

Tuesday, October 11th, 2016

Rumi uses many real life situations (stories) to convey deeper wisdom … here’s an entertaining story about “laziness” … that opens with:

As a man is dying he tells the town judge to give all his inheritance to only one of his three sons – the one who is the laziest! …  

There is a fascinating dialog, in the form of a somewhat long Rumi poem, between each of the three sons and the judge to determine who is the laziest …

… there are many gems in this long poem, e.g., the gift of silence, oneness, … and the value of unite vs divide – an issue most apropos to the current times in American society! …

Enjoy the story and it’s many “gems” … find out who is the “laziest?” … and, of course, the deeper meaning of this “laziness” …

Sacred Whirling, Sufism & Advaita (Part 4 of 5)

Sunday, October 9th, 2016

“… you are already the one consciousness, you already are the unified state but you have to go off and say ‘yes’ to the great adventure of life … you have to leave who you think you are, and via a strange route, you come back and rediscover that principle of unity in a much fuller way.” ~ Philip Jacobs

In Part 4 of this series, Paula Marvelly and Philip Jacobs, resident Sheikh of the London-based Study Society, continue their conversation on Advaita, Sufism and the turning ceremony of the whirling dervishes … this part opens with Philip sharing Rumi’s story about how “we are already the universal consciousness” and then Philip talks about the levels of consciousness …

Enjoy Part 4 of this 5-part exploration …
