Kindness & Trust: Amidon & Beach

Wednesday, January 5th, 2022

“So many gods, so many creeds, so many paths … while just the act of being kind is all the world needs.” ~ Ella Wheeler Wilcox … “… Stillness is the teacher. Presence is the lesson. Trust in the process that brought you here and the promise of awakening it holds …” ~ Zach Beach

Generosity, Balance, Sovereignty – Elias Amidon

Wednesday, December 1st, 2021

“… to contemplate the Ocean of Generosity we live in, and how every moment it makes its offering … ~ Elias Amidon

The Welcoming Practice – Elias Amidon

Wednesday, November 3rd, 2021

” … to open to the openness that is silent, that is the background of every moment of our lives … “ ~ Elias Amidon

Beloved Everywhere – Hafiz by Ladinsky

Wednesday, October 13th, 2021

“… the more deeply {Hafiz} sees, the more astonished he is to find his Beloved everywhere. He discovers that the essence of life is the expression of beauty—it is Poetry …” ~ Daniel Ladinsky

Silence: The Gifts Therein … Thomas Merton

Wednesday, September 22nd, 2021

“… God is present, and His thought is alive and awake in the fullness and depth and breadth of all the silences of the world … (Jeremias 1:11)” ~ Thomas Merton
