“All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particles of the atom to vibration. I must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.” ~ Max Planck.

The cosmos, as humans “know” it, is barely navigable let alone “understandable” … and this cosmos is just an expression of the Mystery (or Consciousness) that, ultimately, is the ground of all existence. This Mystery is the source of our seeking – almost an unacknowledged yearning, it has many labels and defies “definition” – it captures our imagination …  and is one of the most profound arenas of “human exploration.”

After reading the summary … please continue scrolling down until you see “Explore More About Science & Consciousness” and then you can access Posts & Videos, Articles (PDFs), Books&DVDs, & Related Teachers … for this tradition.

Ancient traditions have mapped the Mystery and claimed that we are an intrinsic expression of the Mystery (we are Consciousness at the core … are one with the Mystery) so our “human” pursuits (e.g., science) are inextricably linked to Consciousness but unfortunately the “objective” scientific basis is missing and “modern” human navigation rests on such scientific “objectivity.”

Some visionary Scientists like Stan Grof, who has done several decades of extraordinary research in non-ordinary states of consciousness, says: “The human psyche shows that each individual is an extension of all of existence.”

Science, at least until the middle 20th century, has largely attempted to map the cosmos from a “physical or objective or mechanistic” perspective but in recent decades, the emergence of Quantum Mechanics has allowed the so-called “non-objective,” arena of “Consciousness” to enter the scientific “laboratory.”

As Einstein said: “… Every one who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that a spirit is manifest in the laws of the Universe …”

We are now seeing research in Quantum Mechanics and Consciousness, Zen and Neuroscience, Meditation and its impacts on health, cognitive behavior …. and much more … underscoring the importance of this intersection of Science and Consciousness.

So, naturally, Stillness Speaks’ explorations into Consciousness … explorations into the cartography of human psyche includes this important intersection.

“Each of us can manifest the properties of a field of consciousness that transcends space, time, and linear causality.” ~ Stan Grof

We will be featuring more of Stan’s groundbreaking work within Science & Consciousness and also as a future tradition: Consciousness & Transpersonal Psychology.

Please continue scrolling down to see the “Explore More About Science & Consciousness” section that provides related teachers, posts (both videos and text), articles (free downloadable PDFs), and books & dvds (if applicable).



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