Thich Nhat Hanh – Being Peace

Thich Nhat Hanh delivered the words on this compact disk to an assembly of 700 gathered at Green Gulch Zen Center in Muir Beach, California, on November 3, 1985, and inspired the creation of the best selling book, Being Peace. The teachings contained here provide a...

John D Dunne Discusses the Nature of Mind

John Dunne discusses the seeds of consciousness and the nature of mind, alaya-vijnana, (Sanskrit: “storehouse consciousness”) key concept of the Vijnanavada (“Consciousness-affirming”) or Yogachara. This short video is from the Upaya Zen...

Scott Kiloby – Buddha at the Gas Pump Interview

Scott Kiloby is a “Non-Dual” author/teacher from Southern Indiana (USA). He is the author of “Love’s Quiet Revolution: The End of the Spiritual Search” and “Reflections of the One Life: Daily Pointers to Enlightenment.” He is...