Contemplative Prayer

Fr. Richard Rohr shares his wisdom and understand of Contemplative prayer. He explores a different way of seeing, or a different starting point that contemplative transformation offers…. “The contemplative mind is the most absolute assault on the secular...

A.H. Almaas: Runaway Realization

Watch this Interview with A. Hameed Ali (A.H. Almaas) about his recent book Runaway Realization. “The teaching in this book is off the map. It is outside of all previous articulations of the Diamond Approach. We are in uncharted territory. This new view, which I call...

Henry Shukman on Shinku and Shunyata?

Henry Shukman shares his thoughts on shinku : “what does being here mean?” … living/being in “this world of things” – “ordinary things” … and on shunyata … enjoy! This short video clip is from an upcoming...

What Makes Us Empathetic?

Which side were you on? The Jets or the Sharks? The Capulets or the Montagues? The Greeks or the Trojans? Antony or Caesar? William or Harold? And so the list goes on … Indeed, maybe the whole of human history is the story of group-making and group-breaking. The...